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  1. It's really all national talk will be talking about...and bronny
  2. Young has Dallas in this game.
  3. 2 weeks in Carolina. Gonna break up kelce/swift.
  4. Pretty sure there is a kid zone/play 60 setup at romare Bearden park, which is just outside knights stadium, two blocks from boa.
  5. Ah yeah.. I think they got that sack. Dealing on a Tuesday!
  6. I'm just hoping for one more sack..Harris teeter 2$ sub on Tuesday.. Let's go!!
  7. Its only the end of the 3rd..can we all just go home
  8. Glad I made my money back before season started. Thanks Dallas.
  9. Its brutal missing out on the money\ fantasy fb day that Daniels was going to have.
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