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Ricky Prickles

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  1. That's a damn good point. Kickers are so very important and to be able to get the best in college late in the draft seems like a solid decision and risk to take to me.
  2. I think he is a damn good coach and the kind of guy who a player could most definitely get behind as well as stand beside and play with. He has that characteristic that's hard to name but just makes a damn good coach.
  3. Mark Davis has my vote for owner with best/worst haircut in the NFL. He has him something like a 19 year old girlfriend (which I approve!) and the Julius Caesar Russel Crowe from Gladiator late 90's/early 2000's haircut. He inherited a million dollar franchise from dad and sports that haircut on a daily basis while walking around with his little dime piece. Johnson may be inclined to learn the arts of seduction and stylish haircuts a quarter of a century too late from the master himself.
  4. Critical thinker here gentleman. I think some of X's dietary choices are absolutely disgusting and nasty but showing dead skinned squirrel is no different than the meat section at any grocery store except it's not dressed up under some lighted counter with a "special of the day" display sign stuck in it.
  5. Yeah I would probably put his knowledge up against yours any day of the week. He was co captain of a national championship winning team, worked his way through his life in the oil industry and bought the cowboys for something like a 140 million. What are they worth today? As a person he may be and seems like a jack ass, I don't know I've never met him but him bumbling some decisions with the cowboys in modern times still doesn't erase his savvy business decisions to acquire the cowboys as far as an investment and the team he helped build with Jimmy Johnson in the late 80's-early 90's. But yeah okay, he's not smart at all. Sounds like someone dislikes him for other reasons one of which I can probably assume by your past whining on other subjects I'm not at liberty to discuss on this particular board. But please by all means, share with us all how brilliant you are and your life conquests master Jedi.
  6. I would test Hendon Hooker out first. He may be just what they are looking for and need. I feel like he could turn into something and I am surprised if no other team has not attempted to get him in a trade for a later round draft pick to see if he can turn into a solid starter. He has had time on the bench to watch and he is ready to at least see if he can hack it as more than a backup
  7. Oh no sir, you are absolutely the badass on this site
  8. Yeah it had hidden meaning I guess. They know who im talking about and will no doubt get their sensitive little wimp 170 pound skinny fat feelings hurt.
  9. There's a couple little pussies on here that constantly bitch because he is Christian that will tell you they don't approve but those opinions are from pussies and in my own little mind pussies don't deserve a voice or opinion anyhow. Me being of no faith at all and hoping not as big a pussy as those other two wimps so coming from a purely unbiased place..... I would give Canales a 6-7 on a 1-10 scale. He needs to work on a few things such as I believe hire a coordinator that he can trust to call plays for him so he just leads and some other items. I do have confidence in him that he can turn out to be a good coach. He isn't as fuging dumb as Matt Rhule or throw others under the bus as Matt Rhule likes to do so he does have my respect there. He has some sort of emotions and doesn't look like a corpse out there as Reich did so there's that too but I guess my standards are very low these days. The mother fuger can go to church all he wants or not, I don't really give a damn as long as he steadily improves this team. He has partially improved Bryce to where I believe he deserves another year to see if he can continue to grow and I didn't think anyone could help Bryce so that's a positive too I guess. He has hope which I guess is what im getting at.
  10. Spencer Rattler with the Aints is a rookie and going to make rookie mistakes but I believe he will develop into a very decent QB soon down the line. Too bad he is with those water heads down in "Nawlins"
  11. Had one of those myself two evenings ago with the "old lady".
  12. How are you so sure he is not on the jugs machine? Do you follow him throughout his daily routine and observe? I can tell you he is hitting the machine among other things and hopefully it does something for him and especially the work he has to put in the offseason as it is unacceptable at this level regarding most of his drops and he knows it. That racoon eating poo, i dont even know what to say about that and is disgusting. He needs to do better and at least realizes it from conversation. Hopefully year 2 shows improvement in his game and he turns himself away from being a body catcher. Its more poor habits than anything as he has strong hands. Hopefully he can break that habit.
  13. I still think Canales needs an offensive coordinator to run plays so he can focus on JUST leading and head coaching. I feel if he could find an OC that he would trust, his skills as a leader and motivator could best be utilized.
  14. Great point! I for one don't care or feel sorry for anyone in athletics (part of the entertainment industry as well) who gets canned because they are not producing. I've lived that poo through college then into my stint in the AFL the original XFL cut due to an injury and not producing now ina career in the same field where if my ass don't produce by preparing other young bucks at a Div 1 level my ass is gone. I know that pressure all too well and we all know this crap when we signed up for it starting in college when they would bring a whole new class in each year to replace your ass if you are getting them results. As of this year he isn't producing what so ever and his defense looks like utter poo. Detroit blasted by injuries fights right along. No excuses and it's a what have you done for me league and basically entire lifestyle in any of the major sports starting in college. Only way we can go is up from here. We could hire Curly from the Three Stooges and probably at bare minimum get the same results out of our defense so doesn't hurt at all to try someone new. Come on down recently fired Jets head coach. He is a no nonsense tough bastard and could be a good place to start talking as soon as Everyone's handed his walking papers and ticket at the airport to fly home. Ugh, the most dreaded item to get from a team is the blank non logo team bag to pack your poo in from your locker and your plane ticket home complete with awkward ride of shame to the airport if you live out of town. He will probably get first class which is even better for him. Bye bye buddy
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