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Posts posted by Loyalty4Life

  1. 6 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    Ok.  You have your view, and you believe it is more fair and objective than mine.  Congrats.

    You want to give him two years.  Cool.  See you in two years and let's see who is closer to being right.

    You can come up with a plan and follow it through to see if it's successful or you can jump ship when poo starts going sideways and make knee jerk reactions and decision not based in facts and evidence.

    No matter if Bryce turns out to be legit or not I'd much rather follow a path that would allow me to see if I'm wrong or right.

    It's the reason for your opinion and what you've decided supports that opinion that I have the most problem with.


  2. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    People being negative about the terrible team bothers you more than the team being terrible?

    No, I hate how bad my Panthers are right now.  Hate it.

    But I hate people pulling BS out of their butt, asserting their opinion as facts and hot takes in general.

    Hey, you wanna talk about Tepper hiring Rhule being a huuuuge mistake I'm in.  Frank Reich calling plays, lets go.  Players missing tackles or assignments.  Coaches giving Bryce waaaay too much control waaay to early.  Overpaying for Sanders.  Tepper allowing Rhule to pick Teddy, Darnold, and Baker as his QB and Fitterer for going along with the game plan.  Tepper for using a structure that doesn't allow the GM to pick the coach.  For trading up.  For not trading Burns.

    All of these things are legit things to argue or call out.  Saying Bryce is a bust at this point or calling for Evero's head with us missing almost half of our starter defense just begs the question.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Newtcase said:

    @mrcompletely11choosing not to waste his time on your nonsense doesn’t prove your point.  You’re just not intellectually worth the effort.

    Why waste your time actually proving some semblance of evidence or logical thought behind your hot takes of one liner BS.

    There are plenty of things to criticize this team that are actually accurate or have some basis.

    But by all means allow me to fight fire with fire. 

    I know you are but what am I.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Shocker said:

    I can see you are new here…just FYI there is an ignore feature that is fabulous.  Check it out 

    Naw, I actually not new here.  Started on Charlotte Observer boards, thisboardrocks and huddle.  Just keep losing old accounts because I can only take so much and have to take long breaks to recharge.

    • Pie 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    Regardless of what I felt about him before we drafted him, once he was the choice, I bought in and wanted to believe.  I even bought into the mincamp and preseason hype and highlights the team shared.  What I'm saying now is based off of evidence.  

    Everyone blamed the receivers and as they stated today, Thielen is literally the best slot receiver in the league right now...  so, you can't have it both ways.  

    I get it, he's a rookie, but some poo he is lacking is just expected of an NFL QB at baseline, rookie or not.  You can attribute my issues with him to whatever you want, but at the end of the day, it doesn't make it any less true.  What he has shown even in optimal situations sprinkled throughout 6 weeks does not look like a franchise QB.  We can hope that he is, but at the end of the day, it will be what it is...  and it doesn't look good.  It's better to acknowledge a mistake early and fix it then to close your eyes and keep pretending it's not a mistake in the first place.  He deserves the rest of the season, but I just don't see him becoming much more than he is because of his limitations he has demonstrated over and over again.

    Evidence of a rookie qb with little weapons, suspect coaching, etc.  I not just a Bryce defender.  I think he has plenty of "possible" issues but don't know if those issue are legit or a product of other things he has not control over.  That is why it takes at least 2 years or longer to really judge a guy.

    Thielen being the best slot receiving isnt' having it both ways.  Why is he rated the best slot receiver?  It's because he's the diamond shining on a bad team.  Classic example of how stats can lie.  The fact that you think this is another strike against your skills to accurately analyze what is really happening.

    If you've think we've been in any "optimal" situations for Bryce to showcase his skills then I question your eyesight as well as your analytical skill.

    You say he's a bust and we need to cut bait and move on which is just stupid on it's face at his point and I'd say that for any rookie QB ever.

    I say I've seen improvement and a lot of positive things when looked at in context.  I've also seen tons of mistakes he's made and have called him out on those but I don't know how good or bad a player he will turn out to be because at the end of the day, no one does.

    • Pie 2
  6. 4 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    But it is.

    You don't need advanced metrics or all 22 access to see that he wasn't worthy of the #1 pick.  Period.  Anything else is excuses.

    We have 6 weeks of football as a sample size.  He is extremely limited, even when considering all of the other factors at play.  I talk poo but have held out hope he would show something of promise - objectively, whether you choose to believe it or not.  He has not given me anything to feel hopeful about.  The things he is doing and has flashed on are literally things I would expect from a backup-level NFL QB.

    You can assert it all you want but that doesn't make it true.  I don't know if Bryce is a bust or not because no one knows that yet.

    I also know that football is the ultimate team sport and everything affects everything else so it's also difficult to judge Bryce because of all the other problems with the team and coaching.

    Maybe go watch some all 22 film and give me something beside what you "see" of a guy you didn't like before he ever took a snap.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Varking said:

    Then why haven’t we done it?

    Because at the time we played lesser teams we played much worse than we are currently. 

    As we have improved so has the level of teams we have faced.  The last two weeks we've played two of the top teams in the NFL.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    He'll need two more quarters and 30 more throws.  But relax, it's the receivers'/coaches'/o-line's fault.

    We all get it man.  You don't like Bryce and will take any chance to dog him.  You've got some kernels of accuracy but all your comments are extremely biased or not taking what's is actually happening on the field or the situations into consideration. 

    Huddle is not short on "ball not hit receiver in hand, bryce suck" level of football intelligence and this comment isn't meant to be directly a shot at you.

    • Pie 1
  9. Anyone expecting playing this Miami team as a get right game needs to change out their football helmet for a padded one.

    Not only is Miami one of the top teams in the NFL right now, our team has all kinds of problems with coaching, play calling and especially injuries.  Next man up is just something stupid coaches say to give backups a pep talk.

    This game was actually a lot closer than I expected and Bryce continues to improve as does everything else but no where near enough against the Dolphins.  If we had played like this on offense we'd have won 1 or 2 against lesser teams.

    • Pie 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    Show me a good deep throw he's made over 20 yards through 6 weeks of NFL regular season football.

    Show me a run game and solid protection and he will.  You're making this knee jerk reaction off a very small sample size for a team and does not have the pieces or are playing in a way that allows you to take deep shots.

    Miami's speed at WR makes them very hard to cover with scheme and since they have that threat and are giving Tua plenty of time that equals easy deep balls.

    Bryce has thrown maybe 4 or 5 true deep balls that were not just purposefully thrown out of bounds.  Three of those throws he either had pressure in his face or his WR/TE slowed up or go held. 

    He may not have a great deep ball in the NFL but we don't really know yet and you certainly can't say that based on the evidence and surrounding situations I've mentioned above.


    The top are the throws just after the ball is released.  The bottom are how each QB is able to finish their throw.  When Bryce is able to look like the bottom right picture and still misses over the top then we can talk.  Until then we just don't know.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Swaggasaurus said:

    Multiple short options to get the first on the 2nd down. Had all day. Throw away didn’t make sense there.

    They were taking a shot to the endzone the whole time.  Bryce sees it's covered when he goes to throw so he throws it out of bounds.  Pretty standard stuff. 

  12. I do not trust Bryce's eyes when he changes the play at the line.  Change the protection, yeah but run the play called or have 1 choice to switch too.

    Allowing him to run the offense like a 4 year QB was a large part of the problem in our previous games.  We didn't dumb down the playbook.  We cut down on how much Bryce was doing for and responsible for at the line.

    Growing pains.

    • Pie 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    That pressure wasn't enough to affect that throw.  He literally completed a pass he's comfortable with on one of those early drives with a defender hanging on him as he released it.  He also threw a pass to Hurst, at least within his catch radius, in the endzone while getting drilled on an earlier drive.

    That was an easy toss in the bucket bc Chark already beat his man, Bryce just had to give him a chance and he didnt.  Now, Bryce has made some good throws today, but he still has yet to make those throws when they're open and it's a big problem.  Until he does, teams are not going to respect it.  He's still only shown that he's comfortable throwing in the middle of the field up to 15 yards max.


    Agree to disagree.  Throwing deeper lob type passes over defenders to drop it in is different than throwing darts. 

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