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Everything posted by Loyalty4Life

  1. I wanna see Evero given the HC after Frank is fired. He's a potential star in the making and honestly I don't know if we could get a more qualified candidate to come in.
  2. https://www.si.com/nfl/2023/05/01/nfl-draft-panthers-bryce-young-decision-process You can believe what the actual people say and actually report or view all rumors and twitter posts as being equally valid. The only rumors I heard about Frank preferring Shroud was because of the fact that all his previous QB's were over 6'3". That is it.
  3. I agree and see your point but I do agree with Tepper in that if you don't have a QB, you don't have anything and after 5-6 years of trying to find a QB we shot our shot with Bryce. Even with hindsight I'd do it again. I think we'll be better off with Bryce in a few years than if we'd stayed the course with Rhule. But if Bryce does turn out to be a bust, you're right that we're at the bottom of the barrel with assets.
  4. There is no right way to pick the right GM or coach. Tepper stayed the course with Ron. Yuck. Tepper picked the flashy college coach. Bust. Tepper picked (and paid for) the coach and staff with the most NFL experience. Bust. We will either go hot young coordinator next and promote Evero to HC or get a NFL expert "consultant" to pick the next GM like we did with Ernie Accorsi and got Dave Gettlemen. We'll hit sooner or later just like every other NFL team. I hope.
  5. It's going to not get your QB killed which is about as much as I can hope for with Frank's offense.
  6. Franks script is: Inside zone runs on 1st down for no gain 5 WR all run curl routes. Hank. WR screens that take forever.
  7. What team that remotely needed a QB would not have taken Bryce Young in the top 5. None. If the Texans had gotten the number 1 pick, it most likely would be Bryce in Houston. People need to stop this armchair GM crap. No college player is what he is in his rookie year. Not Brady, not Mahomes, not Bryce, not any QB. No QB and this offense can coexist because the players don't fit the scheme and Frank won't change anything by more than 10 or 15%. Look at what worked today and during the year. Power running. Motion. Heavy sets. Extra protection. PA. OMG, we ran Duo a number of times and got great yards off of it. Our line, WR's and QB absolutely cannot even attempt to be any type of functional offensive unit if we can't pass protect. Bryce get pressure on 40% of his drop backs. Yet, we constantly go 5 wide and ask our line to hold up. Maybe week 12 is where that suddenly works. The drive where we scored today and the 1st drive when Brown took over the play calling should be our offensive.
  8. Oh, my mistake. I must have been the only one who had him as a top draft pick. Don't twist it. Bryce has looked horrible the last two games and a lot of that is on him and his play but any QB in this offense is not being put in a position to excel. No one on this offense is being put into a position to excel. Run blocking line told to zone block. No help on long developing routes. Vanilla scheme. Frank won't do what is necessary. He'll lead this sinking ship playing his style of offense until he's fired. I'll say what I've said the whole year. You can't fully judge Bryce good or bad in this offense. Those 7 sacks were not coverage sacks.
  9. This is what happens when you surround a great QB prospect with horrible scheme and surrounding talent. The last two games Bryce has looked horrible. When the whole team on offense looks this bad it's on coaching and scheme. Every time we play 23 personal and power run we look like we know what we are doing. But Frank always goes back to 4 or 5 wide spread with no protection and Bryce gets smoked. No chance. Zavala looks worse with every snap and yet we still are not giving him help and leaving the line no help with blocking. How many pressures and sacks will it take to get through to Frank.
  10. Someone tell Frank that going 5 wide is now against the rules and just leave the RB in to block every single play on his left side. Also, 70 percent of plays should be out of 12 personal.
  11. D-Jax had a great game. Defense is really playing well with all the injuries they've had to overcome.
  12. I don't know anything about our scouts or what's going on in that area but I'm going to say we should 100% fire everyone.
  13. Tepper kept Rivera for 2 years and Rhule for over 2. You think he's going to cut bait now on a brand new everything and concede defeat? As the great philosopher, Honey Boo-Boo once said, "Ya'll better rednecognize!" We are winning the division.
  14. Forever. Some things are so entrenched it'll take numerous generations, if it's even possible. Hell, I still say Ericsson Stadium and Lowe's Motor Speedway all the time.
  15. We all live in a simulation.
  16. Remember a couple of weeks ago when Twitter went crazy about the Bears DC retiring because of the most horrible thing you can imagine? That FBI agent Peanut Tillman was leading the case. That the FBI raided the Chicago offices?
  17. Fitt is doing exactly what he was hired to do. Get the players the coaches want. Fitt went from having no say with Rhule to being a consensus builder with Reich and All Star bunch. If you want him to be a "normal" type of GM where he buys the groceries and the coaches coach, I'd love to see how that would work. Really. Fitt isn't the problem or at the very least we don't know he's a problem. The real problem is Tepper didn't pick a good coach/GM in Rhule when that was the decision how how to build a winning franchise. Since that went so badly it's only taken a horrible start out of the gate after firing nearly everyone in the building to decide that consensus building and working as a team is a horrible way to build a franchise. No matter what decisions are made, if you don't win, it looks like a bad choice. Giving a coach full control wasn't necessarily a mistake. It's worked in the past. Picking Rhule was the giant mistake. Building consensus as the road to building a team can also be a great way to build a team. Pay to get the best people in the building and let them decide together. Pick Reich to put a plan together. Horrible start to the season but we don't know if this plan is a mistake yet or not. We will see.
  18. Yes, let's trade more assets for another QB that has sucked his first few years in the league to imagine how good he could be on a different team. That has never blown up in our face before.
  19. No matter how good the processor is you can still overload it and fry it or put it in a computer that it doesn't work with or that bottleneck because other parts can't keep up. If 5-6 games is enough for you to change your mind on guys your scouting department have been following and scouting for years then I question your decision to draft no matter if it's the original draft or a redraft.
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