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Everything posted by Loyalty4Life

  1. I don't think Frank is even on the hot seat. Tepper kept Fox for 2 years and Hurney for 3. Went 2.5 with Rhule. Dude is a patient guy or at least understands you have to follow through with your plan. Plus, you fire Frank and then who is the coach. What chance does that person have of being named the permanent coach. So we do the whole flip the whole staff again. Maybe a new GM too. Does the new coach like Bryce. Do we go back to a 4-3 or be a power run team again. Be careful what you wish for.
  2. How and when you call plays can have a big impact on the game. That's why you see the elite teams have all kinds of motions, roll outs, RPO's. They're all trying to fool the defense. Easiest thing for a defense is to play a team they can make one dimensional.
  3. My prediciton Horn comes back and balls out. Burns goes nuts. (We end up tagging him but that's another thread). Defense looks better and we play above the talent we have with several key guys still injured. Our run game starts looking more like last years and Bryce starts dicing up fools as he continues to gel with Thielen but the Young to Mingo connection starts to become a thing. Chuba starts giving people chubs.
  4. Forget Adams. Too old and not worth it for the short term boost. The answer is in the building. Mingo going to be a monster, an AJ Brown type of receiver and Thielen is already elite and will continue to be. We need a young burner and that is who I would target in next year's draft. All our WR are going to suddenly look better without Frank calling plays. Continue to build chemistry. I keep trying to resign Burns until he makes us tag him, then I trade him. Resign Chinn and get him on the field. I don't care if you have to invent a position for him. That dude is a football player. He's my 2nd linebacker and or slot CB/S every play.
  5. I just can't take this. I'm sure you're a really nice guy but what mf'in hump on God's green earth are you talking about. Brees won the SB in 2009 and then proceeded to go to the playoff in 7 of the next 10 years and was only 1 and done in the playoffs twice. If you actually mean the hump is winning the SB then there are only 12 QB's in the history of the NFL with more than 1. 2020 - Wildcard and Division 2019 - Wildcard 2018 - Division and Conference Championship 2017 - Wildcard and Division 2016 - none 2015 - none 2014 - none 2013 - Wildcard and Division 2012 - none 2011 - Wildcard and Division 2010 - Wildcard 2009 - Division, Conference Championship, and won the Superbowl Seriously, am I being punked?
  6. Make of it what you will. https://nextgenstats.nfl.com/charts/list/pass/new-orleans-saints/2018/week
  7. That's a mic drop. For real? I've given you numerous example of proof that he CAN do it. He has the sheer physical ability to throw a football that far. Hey, there's a fact. We seen him do it a lot in college which is a very fair comparison to show if he CAN do it. Look, another supporting fact. I'm also pretty sure he's thrown and completed more than 2 of 7 passes over 20 air yards in the NFL. I'll go take my lazy ass and find out for you. Now, if you'd have come out at the start saying he is not throwing deep when given the chance and opportunity and then followed that up with some type of logical reasoning we'd actually have a discussion. Is it that he can't see a receiver breaking open? Is he staring down shorter routes constantly? Is he bailing out of the pocket to early? What other factors could possibly contribute to the fact that he HASN'T throw many deep shots? Your language comprehension and understanding of concepts is suspect at best as I also looked at "great resources" except I can name mine and explain the context of what they actually said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJCp_CrZQhI In this video he does say that Chark beat his guy so Bryce Young needs to give his WR a chance. You've got to give your receiver a better chance to catch the ball. But then he actually goes on to explain my favorite word. The why. He says Bryce is basically doing a chunk and duck. In that he's not standing in the pocket to take the shot which many time you have to do in the NFL. He's already shown he can take a hit. That he's chunking it up and turning to protect himself from the hit and when you do that it causes accuracy problems. He also says that this behavior stems from when QB's are getting hit a lot. He continues and points how that would it have helped if the line had been able to pick up that stunt and pressure. That is the one "great resource" that has said he needs to give his receivers a chance. I agree with him on that throw in that instance but also see what factors played a part. He's also hated on the Panthers WR is just about every single video he's done about Bryce as well as how awful our scheme is and how it's putting Bryce in a horrible position. So, your great resource has to be wrong about one of those things according to your facts. Not a single "great resource" has said anything so stupid and factually incorrect as Bryce CAN NOT throw deep balls. I picked up your microphone and I'm keeping it. So, thank you.
  8. Chinn is 2 inches taller and 9 lbs. lighter than Thomas Davis when both did the combine. I know inside backers in a 3-4 are expected to be a little bigger but I'd love to roll the dice with Chinn has a full time backer. Shaq is 6 foot and 229. Luvu is 6'3 and 236. I can't imagine Chinn could not put on 10-15 lbs of solid mass from his combine numbers.
  9. Then at least give me a link. Can you do that. I've asked Google. I've asked Bing. I even asked Santa Claus. Tell me why he doesn't have the ability to throw deep. Tell me why he has only attempted 1 pass over 30 yards. That's why I can't show you him doing in the NFL. He's has barely attempted it. WHY!!!!!!!
  10. My entire collection of NFL jock straps if someone will actually answer this. PS. They are signed and never been washed.
  11. I've backed up what I say with actual evidence and theories and conjecture based in logic and previous facts. Yes, that is my game and it's also the game and anyone that wants to add validity to their argument. I've shown you pockets that were not clean on deep balls. Show me some actual evidence where he had a clean pocket and overthrew his receiver. I can show you numerous clips of him doing it but they were in college so I don't think you'll accept them. I actually worry that he has not done it but it's not hard to see the he has the ability to do it and using a bit of conjecture based on very similar and parallel situations, ie college, that he'll do it in the NFL. We are not talking about reading defenses or something that is drastically different in college than in the NFL. I'll fully agree that he's had clean pocket with openish WR downfield that he didn't attempt to throw deep to and again I'd look at those situation and ask why. All you guys want to do is accerte something is true or fact and then made up a reason why you can't be bothered to actually show or point to any evidence. You stand on invisible facts and evidence that is so easy to find that you can't be bothered to share any of it.
  12. Has not or Can not? Words and what they mean matter?
  13. Tell me why? Please for the love of god, tell me why he has not done it? Why, why, why, why, why?? Pretty please. Humor me and explain it to me like I have above average intelligence.
  14. Also, so we are defining this right, what is a deep NFL throw? How far? Does it have to be down the sideline or can it be down the middle? Is he allowed to stand on someone shoulders while he does it?
  15. What is the difference between being able to throw deep from a clean pocket to a WR that has beat his man on a streak in college vs the NFL?
  16. I've watched a lot of Panther safeties that prove that statement very wrong. Jameson also runs a 4.25. He probably has to slow down for every throw.
  17. YES. Breakdown of numerous Bryce Young deep throws that tells why a throw worked and why the throw didn't. Hint, clean pocket makes a huuuge difference. https://alabama.rivals.com/news/breaking-down-bryce-young-s-deep-balls-against-arkansas Bryce's pro day. This just show he has the physical ability to throw 50-60 yards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-rceHC9wp0 Great breakdown of his passing technique and how and why he can throw deep. 45 yards with ease. Bryce's throwing mechanics broken down. This is the awesome clip we've all seen. 55 yards in the air. Just beautiful.
  18. Icky is a really good LT. Time will tell if he can be elite. We gave him quite a bit of help last year with chips and a power run game. We didn't leave him out on an island as much because he has trouble with speed rushers and sometimes seems to just get downright lazy with his technique. I think this they are asking him to do some things that are not yet his strong suit. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone said his great skill was run blocking and being a maulter and finishing plays but he'd have to improve his pass blocking to be elite in the NFL. It does not help at all that we switched to a new scheme that doesn't mesh as well and that we've had so many injuries at guard. So much of line play is the whole unit working together as one. Hard to build that when guys keep going down. I think Brown calling plays will not expose our line so much, give them more help and more play calls that don't ask them to straight up pass block man on man. Stunts are going to continue to kill us until our guards improve. If I was a defense I would run some type of stunt on 75% of plays. We are beyond awful at stopping them.
  19. Statistics lie and liars use statistics. There are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are statistics.
  20. https://www.foxsports.com/watch/1051897923795 Not hard to find. I love Cosell and Cam and I read and study a ton on NFL concepts especially when it relates to the Panthers and what they are doing. I love learning and reading about this stuff. And you're not wrong on what you write here or what Cosell says in that article you posted. Don't know what it really has to do with Cam's difference from Bryce except you pointed out a couple of things that contributed to why he wasn't the type of passing that Bryce is. Cam did actually get better at being a good passer. His first 6 games before he injured his shoulder when we had Norv Turner as our OC. Cam really did focus on his technique and footwork and it showed. I would have loved to see how he continued to progress had he not gotten injured. Edit: LOL, I posted this before i saw what Linville George posted above. He's 100%. It could have been the best version of Cam.
  21. I would love for the Huddle to give all these snow flake Bryce lovers their own thread. That way they can have their circle of love and sing Kumbaya. Anyone who can't see the guy is a complete bust by now is just blind. If he's so great, tell me how many Superbowl rings does he have? I'll wait. Psych. Not. He sucks. Bet. You are all just stupid. I'm not trying to be mean here and I say this all out of love for my fellow Panther fans. Does anyone want a milkshake and their very own thread? You can love it and squeeze it and call it George.
  22. I remember hearing one of my favorite football x's and o's guy, Greg Cosell, say EXACTLY that word salad and almost every word is true. I love Cam, then and now but anyone who thinks he could throw with anticipation is too far gone for anyone to help. He was a see open receiver and throw a rocket at him so hard that defenders could not catch up to it. Cam was never Tom Brady, Drew Brees or any other QB that works off timing patterns and throwing to a spot long before the receiver gets there. I do think the lack of paragraphs really held some people back.
  23. Are you in my brain? Can we be best friends?
  24. Bam. Boom. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. This has been my biggest gripe next to Frank's playcalling. The worst part is that they were really blind to how much work Bryce (or any rookie QB) needs. You don't drop a college freshmen into graduate level courses no matter how many A's they got in high school.
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