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Everything posted by Loyalty4Life

  1. And the first response is someone telling me the sky is falling. That nothing could be worse. That this is exactly like hiring a fan off the street. That a random guy on a message board is more qualified then a person that has been in coaching for 20 years, 14 of which have been in the NFL. Yes, I know see the error of my ways. I'm going to write Tepper a strongly worded letter right now asking how he could have missed hiring Philit99 as he is objectively better and more qualified.
  2. Every time I come here it's takes less and less time to get triggered. Hard to weed through the Debbie Downers, idiots and people with a full time Eeyor complex. I'm an optimistic, glass half full type of dude and I know everyone isn't like that but damn. No matter what happens the Huddle reacts like the somebody just took a giant dump on their dog that just died in their mothers arms while babies are being beaten in the street. Jesus, this lot is miserable.
  3. I bet they brought in Vrabel as a potential DC if someone hired Evero. Not everyone who interviews for a position is really interviewing for that position. That goes for GM too as I think we are going to see with Tilis being hired as the cap guy even though we've repeatedly interviewed him for GM.
  4. No one knows the formula to win in the NFL. There are a number of things that give you a much higher percentage or chance. You need to have good/great players, coaches, staff, etc and then you have to throw it all together and have it fit. That is one thing I love about the NFL. It's the ultimate team game and their is so much parity any team can go from horrible to playoffs in a single year. With that being said it's impossible to consistently pick the players or coaches that are going to be suck, be average or be a huge piece that lifts and works with the rest and with so many parts it extremely difficult to turn or change that large a ship. Who thought Green Bay and the Texans would be in the playoffs and who also thought they absolutely roll the Browns and Dallas. Tepper could have been frozen in carbonite and Rhule and Reich would have not fared much better than they did. People want to act like analytics are just too subjective. Well, so are decisions based on your experience or gut feelings. Everyone is bitching because we are going on year 6 with way too many decisions that ended up being horrible in hindsight. All I try to do is root for the team and love and hope the next combination turns out to be a winning one.
  5. I was there when it started. First there were the Hornets. Zo, Larry and Mugs. I was 13. At 18 we got the Panthers! And played at Clemson. Beuerlein, Collins. Chris M'f'n Weinke. Rodney Peete and little ol' backup qb Jake Delhomme. After that mighty run that included a trip to the Superbowl we hit some lean years. Those were the Carr year. Dem the Jimmy Clausen year. Brian St' Pierre, which lead us to... CAMERON JERRELL NEWTON. Yeah, his middle name is Jerrell, as in the father of Superman Jerrell. This era also included a trip to the Superbowl. Then came a new owner. And the darkness. We wandered in the dark for a time. I'm not even sure our long. There was real excitement when Teddy Bridgewater threw a pass longer than 10 yards. Yo, Joe Brady like a young Belichek. The Rhule years were not kind to us. Did we all really argue about who was better to be the starter? Sam Darnold or Baker Mayfield? Then we blinked and started over. Now we needed a new coach. A new DC, OC, every C. Then we blinked and started over. Now we needed a new coach. A new OC, GM, and good amount of C's. Now we in the Bryce era. The Derrick Brown, most tackles EVA in the NFL by a DT and got snubbed by the Pro Bowl. We can say we was in on it from the start but we are about the see the start of injury free dominance of JCF'N Horn. Icky gone be already all. He got this. Thomas Fletcher. We can stop waiting now cause he ain't coming back. Mingo. Bingo. #1 WR. Bet. Daddy Tep going make it all ok cause that is what super rich white men do. A very good GM and a very good coach HC will come here. A very good DC will stay here. But most important of all is that no matter what happens we retain the special team coordinator that lead us through the darkness post Frank Reich right up until this very time. Chris Taber. Next stop. Super Bowl.
  6. All that stuff about checking with a potential HC to make sure they would accept an invite is just a good PR firm basic. They'd have researched and known exactly the way fans felt. Heck, I'd be almost surprised if this wasn't common practice.
  7. I would talk so much trash and become insufferable. Probably name myself GM and give it a go. Buy whatever I wanted. Do pretty much what ever I wanted and use my money and influence to not be held accountable for anything. And give a HUUUGE amount to foundations and charity to try to make the world a better place.
  8. Good points but I'm also not saying they were no brainers, only that they were not WTF is going on type moves. Mortgaging the future was the next logical step after trying for 4 years to find a remotely decent QB. I certainly was on board to take that risk vs another 4 years of Teddy B., Sam Darnold or Baker type swings at QB every year. All I'm saying is Tepper isn't special or much different than other owners in the grand scheme. The biggest difference is in our favor which is how much money will he spend to find a winner.
  9. All of these super rich NFL owners are birds of a feather. I don't really think Tepper has done thing much different than other owners. There isn't a "correct" way to ensure you get the right people. You won't really know until after the fact. You do your due diligence and make the best decision with the evidence you have. If Tepper was out there making decisions that half the GM's or owners in the league wouldn't tough I'd be worried. But getting a hot in-demand name (Rhule) or getting a seasoned coach with a lot of experience (Reich) are not any decisions that would shock the world had any GM or owner in the league made those choices. Sadly, you just have to keep swinging based on sound evidence. Most of everything Tepper has done wasn't a bad decision at the time it was made but in hindsight turned out to be horrible decisions. I'll take the 2nd richest owner in the league to figure it out and / or get lucky sooner or later.
  10. This has probably been said but I would hit him with the Non-exclusive Tags. Allows a player to negotiate with other teams. We have the right to match or refuse and get 2 first round picks. From what I've remember the Panthers offered him Maxx Crosby type numbers which I totally agree with. (23 per year). He said no. Franchise tag is right around that so I have no problem tagging him. If we tag him again the year after that it's 120% of his last years salary which in this case would then be almost 28 million. Year 3 of the tag is 144% which could be around 40 million. So in essence with the tag we can do the following which gives the Panthers a ton of control. 1 year - 23 million 2 years - 51 million (avg of 25 million per year) 3 years - 91 million (avg of 30 million per year) So, even if we tag him 3 years in a row it's less than what he is currently asking. Plus, the salary is only guaranteed for each year we apply the tag. Between the numbers we want to pay and what he is asking we've already won. The biggest downside is his attitude if we did this and that we couldn't use the tag on another player since you can only use it once per year. (How much he cost will probably go up some as the average of the top 5 salaries at that position plays a part in the base but we're still in the ball park) Fitterer did this one exactly right to get the team either a fair deal or compensation. If he plays on the FA tag, we win. If we do a sign and trade we win. We are either getting at least 2 first round picks if we sign and trade or put the Non-exclusive tag on him and another team takes him. Yes, we could have entered up the the two 1st round picks if we'd had traded the Rams but at the time and now, we'd rather have him play for us. It just has to be at the right price.
  11. All I know if you can't give up 18 sacks. What worries me is how those sacks come about against him. It's usually a one on one speed rush that he can't block. LT is considered so important for two reasons. It's usually the QB's blind side and they are usually the linemen that is expected to be able to handle one on one blocks as there isn't usually a TE on that side. He just doesn't seem like he has the foot speed and I don't know if that is something that can be improved. If he was losing contain or getting beat in other ways that he could learn to counter I'd not be so down on him. What we all now beyond doubt is he played well as a rookie last year but had a lot of help and excelled best in a run heavy scheme. He has a problem with speed rushers. The entire line and team has been hot garbage this year so what gets better with a good LG and better overall play around him? My ideal lineup for next year with current roster is: Christensen, Icky, Bozemen, Corbett, Moton. Mays has shown me he can be a backup at LG. Nash Jenson and Chandler Zavala are rookies I'd like to keep improving but not on the field. I'm open to upgrading any position outside of Moton through the draft or FA. Another reason I would like to move Icky to guard is Drew Brees and the Saints. The Saints always invested in their interior line because a shorter west coast style QB needs a pocket to step up into and crate lanes to pass and extend plays from.
  12. I'll do my top 10 of good things he's done and bad things he's done. Bad. 1. Hired Rhule. 2. Hired Reich. 3. Instilling a bad management structure that doesn't work. 4. Giving coaches a blank check. 5. Getting rid of grass field. 6. Trading CMC. 7. Throwing drink on a fan. 8. Puts himself in the limelight too much. Ego. 9. Giving wife jobs outside her qualifications. 10. Not hiring a quality GM or Head of Football operations from the start with final say. Good. 1. Being a bottomless pit of money and sparing no expense to try and improve the Panthers. 2. Fired Rhule 3. Fired Reich 4. Brought an MLS team to Charlotte. 5. Wanting to win as badly as any fan. 6. Leans on analytics. 7. Panthers logo on field. 8. Uniform combinations. 9. Hiring women and minorities. 10. Tepper Foundation.
  13. I think most billionaire owners have the similar qualities to Tepper. Tepper either has more of a quick temper or just doesn't try to hide his emotions. I don't condone him throwing a drink on someone at all. I would like to know the entire situation. I also think the responses to his actions are waaay over the top. People actually calling for him to be banned from the NFL or forced to sell the team for splashing an inch of water at a group of people 5-10 feet away? I hope the guy sues him so I can hear his claim for damages. I also hope the NFL fines Tepper out the ass as this is a black eye on the image of the league.
  14. Same problems. Same story. Line can't block. Bryce starts slinging and bailing. WR's can't catch. I have not lost faith in Bryce or think he's a bust yet just because he can't overcome how bad this whole team is. Bryce is part of the problem and regressed again as did the rest of the team and coaches. I think the team did try to build on last week and open up the passing more and it punched us right in the mouth because WE CAN NOT PLAY SOUND FUNDAMENTAL COMPLEMENTARY FOOTBALL. Every single person is taking turns, including Bryce, screwing up.
  15. Having a run game, better coaching and scheme but I can't stress how much at least average guard and center play has been a game changer. We've started 9 different guys at guard this year. Cade Mays stepping up at LG and getting Gabe Jackson to hold it down RG. We started keeping a TE and Rb in to help blocking a lot more giving Bryce more time. So why now? If I have to pick the biggest one, it's guard play. You could even see the early season panthers during the first 2 drives with Nash Jension in at RG getting blown up every play.
  16. Luvu was supposed to be that rusher opposite Burns but Shaq having a season ending injury changed that. I'd love to keep Burns but at the right price. The only player proven to be worth a top 10 positional contract is Derrick Brown. Fitt has held firm that we want Burns here but we are not paying him Nick Bosa or Aaron Donald money. Did Fitt know when the Rams trade was on the table that Burns was going to hold firm to 30 million plus a year? Luvu will be 28 next year so I'm hopeful he won't command a top of the league contract and we can resign him. I bet we'll be able to resign Shaq next year for a fair contract.
  17. I have been most impressed with the improvement of Cade Mays and the coaching staff changes since Frank left.
  18. It's almost like it's a team game where every position group effects all the others in some way. Run game. Good guard play. Better blocking(extra TE and RB more). Better scheme (motion, misdirection, hot read checkdowns).
  19. Running the ball well. Cad Mays has been very solid the last few games at LG. Gabe Jackson at RG (should have started instead of Nash who got beat bad twice to start the game) Threat of run + better blocking gives Bryce time. We had a hot answer for the blitz. Notice how often Bryce extended the play and then straight up made play. Notice how often we have stacked set and MOTION!!!! It's a lot of things but the huge difference is play at guard and the running game.
  20. These are the joys in my life. 1a. Panther win. 1b. Falcons lose. Double the job when the Panthers beat the Falcons.
  21. We should have went for the TD, scored, then did nothing but blitzes on defense to show the entire NFL the Panthers are the Alpha.
  22. Every win this year has been Bryce leading us on a game winning drive. Clutch.
  23. Defense. Brown. Honorable mention on D - Burns has a really good game. Luvu and Jackson also played well. Offense. Bryce. Looked very confident. Had some of those wow plays I saw earlier in the year. Honorable mention on O - Chubba. Chark. Mays played well at LG and Gabe Jackson was solid despite some penalties.
  24. Exactly why I put little stock in any combine or pro day.
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