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  1. https://fxtwitter.com/josephperson/status/1743661991976108176?s=46 Schefter’s report confirmed by Joe Person. Tepper apparently used this same firm to hire the Charlotte FC coach and they’ve also helped the Rams, 49ers and Atlanta in recent years with their hires. He also confirms that Dan Morgan will be apart of the transition regardless of what happens with Fitterer (which reads to me like he’s gone). (Can somebody help me figure out how to embed tweets? They used to auto embed for me but they aren’t anymore)
  2. Eh, this doesn’t sound definitive. I wouldn’t personally get as hung up on that part as I would the parts where she says he might not keep his job and “Carolina could be starting anew”. Plus as I put in another thread; Schefter is reporting that Tepper is using a hiring firm and that his sources believe Scott is likely out. It’s not a source off, but they’re saying similar things. So without getting caught up on a few word differences here and there the reporting for the past few weeks whether it’s locally or nationally has implied that Scott is likely on his way out, which is the important part.
  3. I mean the fact that there’s a search firm at all is different from last year. The last two coaching searches, Tepper never employed a search firm and opted for a group of people inside the building to help him: Last year its was reportedly: Scott, Dan, Kristi Coleman (Team President), himself and Nicole (and maybe Samir I don’t remember) For the Matt Rhule year it was just Tepper and Hurney.
  4. Well it was kind of implied that the search firm would be helping him in general so I’d assume that means HC and GM hires. Not gonna get too excited till I see Scott gone 100%. I will say though, Tepper hiring a search firm and not going into this search with a conglomerate of people already in the building like last year or just doing it by himself is the type of growth I was hoping to see from him this offseason. Could be a positive step in the right direction. A clean slate is desperately needed here.
  5. This should make some of you happy lol. https://x.com/adamschefter/status/1743620955966971990?s=46 Other footnotes: - Scott is likely gone - Dan Morgan has internal support to replace Scott once he is fired.
  6. What do you have against this dude lmaooo. There have been so many presumptive number 1 picks who have not thrown or participated in the combine in favor of working out at their pro days. Hell, there have been guys who weren't number 1 picks who have chosen not to workout at the combine. That has absolutely nothing to do with his character. Im giving Bryce another year to see if the roster/scheme improves before calling him a bust. Year 1 is too early to call it for most players IMO, but especially for a QB in the middle of the mess that is our organization.
  7. No disrespect to Josina but idk man I don’t buy it. Like yeah, I could see Tepper trying to hire him but at the same time he spent his whole press conference talking about how he wants somebody that’ll be here for the next 30 years or whatever the quote was. It’s also widely known how much of a boner he has for Ben Johnson so I feel like if anything, Bill is one of many fall back options. All the other insiders and local guys have been pointing at young OC’s and more recently, Dan Quinn. Part of me also won’t believe Bill is out of NE until it’s official lol.
  8. Yeah I think this is fair. I think it's valid to be disappointed with his play because I think we all expected better. For me though, the thing I kind of take issue with within the fan base, whether it's on here or twitter or wherever; is the vibe that people would much rather see him fail to be 'right' about Stroud or whatever as opposed to just hoping he improves and we don't have to be in position to draft another QB anytime soon. I think for me its like, if you didn't love him as a prospect that's cool, hell even if you think he has a minuscule chance to become a franchise QB that's fine too but even if I were personally in either of those camps, I'd still be hoping like hell he can turn it around so we aren't in QB purgatory forever. He's here, he'll be here for at least another season or two, so we'd be better off hoping a good coach can get the best out of him as opposed to sulking and whining over Stroud, Richardson, etc. But again maybe it's just a me thing. Just like how I don't hate Tepper with every fiber in my being like some do. I think he's been a bad owner but I don't hate him. And even though I hoped for a better rookie season from Bryce, I just can't bring myself to go "well it's over he's a bust we're screwed" after one season with how awful the whole organization has been this year. Next season for him big though and I'm hoping that with a good coach and hopefully an improved roster Bryce can become the franchise guy we'd hoped for.
  9. This is a corny post lol. Just say you think he should clean up his footwork without all the corny theatrics. We all know it’s something he needs to work on and it’s something that can be fixed with coaching. Y’all gotta let Stroud go, no amount of complaining is undoing the draft. I’ve never seen a fanbase be so vehemently opposed to a rookie QB after a rough first season. I’d understand it better if he sucked in year 2 or 3 but his career is just starting. Everybody doesn’t develop at the same rate. If we get a good coach and some stability in here and he still sucks, fine tee off on him but for now….idk man you gotta let that hurt go lol.
  10. Well….like sure but also this sounds dumb. I don’t care if you hire the GM after the HC as long as they’re hired in the same cycle and have aligned visions. However…..if his idea is to hire the coach first and let them decide if they wanna work with Fitterer, that shows he hasn’t learned a thing. Going into a search with both jobs open and happening to hire one before the other is whatever. But having one job open and having the other guy in limbo just because you like them is so stupid. This team needs a clean slate and to hire people the right way for once.
  11. Y’all got to stop being on here acting like they’re gonna spend cap space on another QB and give up on their guy after 1 year lol. Look, I get it he hasn’t lit the world on fire year 1 but it’d be foolish to spend money on another QB just to feign the idea of “competition” when resources can be allocated to fix the millions of holes on this roster. I think the tackles will be fine but they HAVE to fix the interior. It’s crucial with a smaller QB. They should go out and get a good G/C in Free Agency and try to get a Calvin Ridley, Hollywood Brown, Michael Pittman tier WR if Higgins gets tagged. Then double down on those positions in the draft. I’d like to see them look at Bryce Huff at Edge and another corner too. I also think scheme can help cover up some of our issues too. Houston was projected to have a terrible O-line coming into the season but Slowik’s scheme has covered for some of that.
  12. https://x.com/panthersontap/status/1742527193303884052?s=46 A lot of these insiders have been saying they think he’ll get fired so I’m leaning in that direction. I’m sure Joe Person or Jonathan Jones will put out something Sunday morning confirming or denying that they’ve heard he’s getting moved on from. Again, Tepper and all his “passionate” fits of rage this season mean nothing if he doesn’t get rid of everybody in charge of assembling this roster. Idc how nice Scott is, his roster isn’t good enough to keep a job.
  13. Also….why would any of this info matter when they haven’t hired a coach? And if you don’t think the pre-requisite for said coach getting hired wont be “wants to work with Bryce Young” for at least 2024 you’re tripping lmao.
  14. If Tepper wants to show he’s serious about getting this right, he’ll fire Fitterer on black Monday. There’s literally no use in keeping him and allowing him to pick another coach after reports came out he was undermining the previous guy. That’d be a turn off if I was a potential candidate. I want to believe he hasn’t been fired yet because I mean it’s truly not much an interim GM can do in season, post trade deadline.
  15. ???? None of this makes any sense lol be for real guys. Also who cares what the current pro scouts think when they’re likely getting replaced at the end of the season anyways? They aren’t giving up on the guy they literally just drafted after his rookie season. You ain’t gotta like him or how he’s played but please be realistic about how the evaluation process works lmao.
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