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  1. I mean...none of these looked like well-designed plays. It was just let's have BY drop back and throw deep and see what happens.
  2. Remember when Ohio State converted Curtis Samuel from RB to WR? Maybe that's the route Miles Sanders should take.
  3. Panther have had enough of this sh!t. LOL Seriously, I must say...in many ways, CAR's offense is better designed than HOU right now. We have a better o-line, more consistent running game and can actually run some inventive offensive plays. We obviously have huge defensive issues. But I see some groundwork laid. We need another pass rusher. We need Brown back (obviously). Secondary help. But I'm optimistic for the future.
  4. Man, I know he probably has small hands, but Bryce has GOT to hold on to the ball.
  5. Just can't get a delay of game against Philly.
  6. That was magic! Also, how about the connection tonight between Bryce and Tremble?
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