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  1. at the end of the day I have to imagine this is the prevailing logic. Bryce is good and will win games but oh boy if he gets dinged up badly this is going to go south quickly.
  2. He is failing to understand that at the lower levels guys his size are not giving the opportunity to play qb due to injury concerns. Its just universal accepted that you need to be bigger to play the position.
  3. Why haven't there been more qbs under 6ft in the nfl? This isn't hard bro
  4. So you still will not answer. If there is no definitive height/weight for playing qb where are all the undersized qbs in the nfl?
  5. If I was a gm and he came in for a visit his ass would be getting on a scale esp if my #1 pick and ultimately my job was on the line.
  6. Then where are all the qbs under 6ft in the nfl? Because coaches at early levels don't let kids play qb for fear of injury. This isn't hard.
  7. The large bulk of us think he has elite skills, we just don't think 5'10 180lbs is long for this league. And coaches in college and front offices in the nil tend to agree
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