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  1. Congrats Canada, was that win to celebrate you becoming our 51st state?
  2. I know it won't happen but Chatty would be the perfect replacement
  3. just saw highlights of Canada-Finland, Fins almost pulled it off, Canada is WEAK on defense
  4. What's up with Rantanen, after watching him with the Canes and team Finland he looks slow and hesitant, hard to believe he is a 100 point guy. Did that trade break him?
  5. everybody is having trouble scoring - so I'm going Kooch for the shutout
  6. Moose looks real frustrated out there, if this team doesn't get it together there is NO WAY he's signing Is Rod's system where all superstars go to die??
  7. there is no way Tulsky is viewing this as a rental, he seems pretty masterful at manipulating the cap
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