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  1. ... so .... i was taught not to judge nvm so happy we didnt trade/sign for him, imagine our fan base afterwards..nvm
  2. i believe we got a hidden gem in Smith-Marsette, I think overtime he can become his Nico Collins. Mingo to me is Muhammad lite The oline with Corbett back is going get better. Remember that was his first game back.
  3. so my QB on my Team being better than the other QB on another team is a negative I'm confused, is this a Carolina Panther forum or just NFL forum....please explain
  4. just bc i said some1 had a Stroud jersey on at the game smh...guess we know who now, yall were right
  5. i created this avatar when the discussion for the draft pick was underway duh,(when 99% wanted CJ or AR/Levis) it's a throwback from his HS days, but it just goes to show I knew every since then he was going be a Panther lol I was baggin him for sayin he only wears it after a W, I wear mines rain or shine home boy... Jus jerkin ur chain mane...but at least you had Young coming here unlike the rest of them so props on the Young Jersey, just saying mane, shouldn't had waited to bring that bad boy out...stunt on playa. Don't be so embarrass next time, rep what u rep OG Think someone had a Stroud Carolina jersey at the game-*mind blown* I had to hear why you wearing those colors week in and week out-aint your team 0-6, well aint no1 said nothing today..lol So moral of the story: Keep pounding
  6. why why even am I creating a thread after a W to complained about certain players i don't like just to justify why I'm right??? why
  7. so u an off n on type huh, when we winnin u all bout that life but soon we start losin...you probably got a cowgirls jersey somewhere hidden thing so wrinkle looks like it was in the very back of the drawer, you know between drawers lol
  8. I guess honoring them on such a historical day wasn't worthy enough for you huh??? Think about the next time the #2 pick, a QB at that, on the opposite team(who lets be honest 90% of the huddle wanted, *that in itself makes it even crazier, some of our fans are actually rooting for this guy still* and with him he's got the #3 pick of the draft on defense, and our very own #1 pick is 0-6, and his defense is banged up, he knows this game is a must win to prove all the doubters wrong and has to shoulder that weight coming into the game and then first play of the game he's sacked, getting hit time and time again, but what does he do, KEEP POUNDING, right into a game winning field goal position so our very own Pineiro can display his willingness to KEEP POUNDING. just like you were doing to that desk of yours as you realize how wrong you were yet again....
  9. And a new streak begins- I pledge not to watch another game until we lose, and if we make it to the superbowl- yall should pay for my ticket but I must wear a blindfold the whole time lol
  10. Imagine getting knock out by somebody and as they turn they back on you laying on the ground you read the words: LUV U not only are you physically and emotionally hurt but now your mentally confused...lol
  11. just leaving a comment to say TOLD YA SO... but 4 real, to all who got to watch this historical game know I took one for us today....lol OH N SOME1 TELL BROWN SMITH-MARSETTE CAN RUN ROUTES AND CATCH TOO...DAMN my boy can't wait to show off- He's got that dog in him like another Smith I kno- and trust I kno both of em
  12. Depends on how many games I watch the rest of the year
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