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Everything posted by DavidEng

  1. Look whose on a Twitter Spaces chat with Mike Maniscalco and others lol
  2. Mike and Tripp got on their game faces. Down to business boys!
  3. Playoff Freddie in net for this away game. Mac Attack on board. Win it Canes!
  4. lol I had to think about that for a minute… then duh the Islanders Aho…. haha.
  5. Haven’t been here long but noticed right away a lot of friendly folks here, quickly became my favorite forum. The Canes exceeded many of our expectations the first two series, they certainly did mine. Two games down in the Conf final is more of a disappointment due to that early success. I think it’s fair to critique, speak our mind, about the team. Let’s just not let the challenges ahead for the Canes turn us against each other though. I agree we should not attack each other, we are a diverse group with a common goal, to see the Canes win the Cup. Im a bit of a curmudgeon, though usually a friendly one, in my natural state haha. Figure if I can be civil others can too.
  6. We had 65 shots on goal in game 1 probably a season record. May want to amend that to say fuggin shoot… accurately lol.
  7. Games 1 and 2 could have gone either way, for various reasons (puck luck, bad shots etc) our pucks just didn’t go in. I don’t think that will happen 3 games in a row. Obviously we are in a 2 game hole. But Let’s just see how game 3 goes before drawing any “final” conclusions. If we win it’s 2-1 with the chance to tie in game 4 in Sunrise Fladah. If we lose then it is what it is, a valiant effort with the players we had left on the ice.
  8. Nah I like his optimism and don’t care for fatalism. Realism is ok too. Sure it’s tough to pull this series out but let’s see what we can do game 3.
  9. I didn’t notice that, no way Drury over Jarvis!
  10. But boss we are suffering from two losses at home so we be sufferable haha.
  11. Good points. Throw in lazy cross court passes easily intercepted as well.
  12. If It had been a goal on a Canes PP in OT we would be talking about how Raanta was locked in. A penalty and blown defense is what did us in. Were back to where we usually are with the injuries, having trouble scoring. Devils style of play allowed us to score tons but was a little false hope.
  13. Florida likely to be overconfident now with no reason to be, so we will take game 3 in Sunrise Flahdah. After that game 4 will be a battle. I’m gonna see this through.
  14. Nah we take a game in Florida, at least it won’t be a sweep.
  15. Welp that’s how you lose a game, penalty and leave Chuck alone.
  16. We’re watching the best two defenses in the NHL bar none.
  17. Is there a way I can put the Bob fans on mute here? Thank you.
  18. We shot tons of pucks during the regular season against different goalies and only scored 2 goals. We just have to put the puck in net like always. We’re facing an excellent goalie not godzilla. I give the Canes a chance here it’s not like we’re behind.
  19. Can’t buy a basket even with open holes in Bobs net, just missing the opportunities. That’s gotta change to win this.
  20. PP was not good and now a goal. Gotta get back to our game.
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