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Everything posted by DavidEng

  1. And one of those grade A’s beat Kotch. SOG I don’t see as worrisome at this point, Canes held them to 5 while having 9 in the second.
  2. terrible d on that goal pesce looking at the wrong guy
  3. Staal to Martinook to Fast’s skate got us back in it
  4. one pass too many should have just shot it looked like space in the net
  5. lol you guys were too busy talking about kk
  6. Canes have a back to back this friday and saturday, I expect we’ll see Martin in net one of those games with Freddie and Raanta still down.
  7. I stay away from reddit for the most part it’s toxic. I do wish our group here could grow.
  8. The ones saying CMC faked injury to get traded are the idiots who originally were saying “good trade, he’s injured too much”, he wanted to stay here. I pulled for the 49ers only because CMC deserved to be with a good team that wanted him. One of the worst trades the Panthers ever made. And don’t ask me about our #1 draft pick decision lol. All I can do now is hope BY gets some strength training and improves his decision making.
  9. And the finale’: https://x.com/canes/status/1756508707708445071?s=46
  10. I like our team as well but taking last night as an example, if you score 0 goals over 60 minutes it’s not a goalie you need it’s another scorer. So if we add anything it absolutely needs to be a scorer.
  11. lol! Been there before. Pyotr for the season now above .900 with a 2.50 GAA with tonight’s game!
  12. woooo Aho!!! Finally, we got to hear the brass band.
  13. I can’t remember the last time Canes went to OT with the score 0-0
  14. PK 4-4, along with Koch keeping us in it
  15. Well there were two calls the refs didn’t make right there fuggers
  16. sorry to hear that. Uh oh who will @BY9Franchisehate on now??? lol
  17. Turbo. He’s earned a goal with all those assists.
  18. I just got to 3 with my Necas pick and closing in on the leaders at 4. That’s right I’m coming for you guys…zoooom!
  19. Awesome call and the right one!
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