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  1. Walker scores to end it 3-1. 8 wins in a row!
  2. Blake! What a pass and a move! Offside? grrrr
  3. Jarvis puts us in the board! Panthers81 and PNW_Pantherman winners.
  4. It’s amazing what 7 straight wins have done for the Canes in the standings. In just a couple of weeks the Canes have moved from 8-9th to 4th in the League.
  5. He’s good but not top 7 yet in the stat that really matters, Save % (SV%).
  6. Update 3/9- Jank, no winners 3/11- Jarvis, winner PantherChris 3/14- Hall, winner ORGAN1201 3/15- Aho, no winners —————— Current Standings: PF69- 5 OR1201- 5 ABH- 4 DE- 4 STUMPY- 3 PC- 3 MDC- 2 P81- 2 DAMNIT- 2 CPF69- 1
  7. What a start for Jankowski! https://www.nhl.com/hurricanes/news/after-the-storm-jankowski-makes-nhl-history
  8. Goal Morrow his first! Forget Orlov.
  9. Think it was Staal in to early
  10. Tank! 4-0 Canes are blowing it up! Offside, grrr
  11. Canes PP goal? I must be dreaming…
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