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Everything posted by Gabeking

  1. You're a KH fan so I like you but take a breather... Let everything play out lol, you think gettleman gutting the roster last year was just cuz he wanted to go through the same thing again in 2 years? Plus the cap is gonna rise significantly and there's more $$ coming off the books in the near future.
  2. Ok, you win. What can I say, I just love my agendas
  3. You're right the only way Cam can be great is by leading his team to a comeback behind more than 30 points. Never mind the fact he has consistently executed when it counted the most these past 2 seasons. And lets just ignore that hes made huge, visible strides in his "leadership" throughout his career. And just forget the fact that his teammates have shown that they'll run through a brick wall for him (i.e. Brandon Williams). The fact that he cant consistently lead 20+ point comebacks with an offense that clearly isn't built for such performances is what we really need to focus on. I'm glad I can count on "objective minds" like yourself who have already made up their mind on him before he was drafted.
  4. Guess you didn't watch the bears game this year
  5. Star has been one of our most dominant players in the past month
  6. Same here Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  7. @gabeking metta world peace and Ryan Kalil follow me Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  8. You tell me how we were gonna keep Mitchell at 5 years 25 mil + ginn at 11 mil Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  9. He gets it Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  10. GTA and Smash Bros for me Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  11. Zod how did the other drafted rookies look? (ealy, turner, gaffney, the two DBs) Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  12. f*ck that Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  13. U didn't even show my music suggestions smh Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  14. Good job but the lack of Howard Stern penis prank calls was disappointing to say the least Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  15. #rapgamenomorefupa Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  16. I wana see that 1 handed grab
  17. Usually tackles that size are either Ogden's or complete busts, no in between. So yeah I see why gettleman would take a chance on this guy if he learns how to play lower. Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  18. Guessing KB didn't look morbidly obese like most expected Sent from my iPhone using CarolinaHuddle
  19. Never said I was stopping but ok guys thanks lol Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
  20. Ok boss Sent from my iPad using CarolinaHuddle
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