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Everything posted by TDaviD

  1. I Will Say This: As a life long fan of 'Rassling' - I am 53 now. Grew up on Jim Crockett NWA. Then ... about 10 years ago, McMahon e-x-p-o-s-e-d the 'Business' to prevent losing Millions in a law suit. He said: the "Outcome" is PREdetermined. I've since learned; the Wrestlers 'call the match' to get to that end. The 'Refs' (in Wrestling) wear an Ear Piece. The 'Control Room' feeds them info during the match. They tell the Wrestlers when to prolong or 'wrap up' a match. if one of the wrestlers is (legit) injured; the Ref has hand signs he makes to alert the Back. It is A-l-l a "Work". The NFL is registered as "Single Entertainment Corporation". That means: At the end of the season - whether a team went 14-3. or 1-16 - All the O-w-n-e-r-s split the "Profits". It is a Fraternity of 32. In late November (just before playoff season) they have the Owners Winter Meeting. Think they might be Deciding Something? When a Jets fan some years ago sued the NFL for 185M because of the Patriots/Jets 'Spygate' and game outcome (google it) ... The Courts ruling was: "At best, he possessed nothing more than a contractual right to a seat from which to watch an NFL game between the Jets and the Patriots, and this right was clearly honored," Cowen (the Judge) wrote. Basically .. He got No Money. Yet in November 2014, a story appeared on: empirenews.net: "NFL Admits Games, Off-Field Drama Are All Pre-Determined, Scripted Events" (google is your friend). Won't say how much of this article is Valid or True. I do not know! But It May Cause One to Ask More Questions. You know: Like the lottery being 'Random'. 39-40 States. Over 150M people playing. B-u-t ... for 30-35 weeks ... No One has the winning numbers? No One? And most people play more than 1 number. But the lottery is Not Controlled. And neither is the NFL. And neither is Rassling. And neither is the Stock Market. And neither is Hollywood. And neither is Main Stream Media. It All Just Happens by Coincidence
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