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Lame Duck

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Everything posted by Lame Duck

  1. Back in high school I got into fight with one of the cool football players who thought he could bully me. I had 7 years of boxing and Jiujitsu under my belt and he had 7 years of football. He was ripped and I was average joe size. He knew he done fug up 3 seconds into the fight.
  2. I’m taking my 9 year old (his bday present). I might have 1-2 beers tops and that’s it. I plan on driving to Charlotte after the game.
  3. I got pretty good tickets for Canes vs. Maples on 3/25 right behind Canes bench. I have never been to canes game before and I’ll be driving from Charlotte. Any advise on what to do and parking?
  4. Well… it’s on front page of BBC now Jalen Carter: NFL hopeful accused of racing in deadly crash https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64805539
  5. They’ll trade him where he wants to go. Similar to Stafford to Rams.
  6. After the last 3 years of limp dick football, Hooker is who we need to get our confidence up.
  7. Chosen? Isn’t that Cam son name? Does it make Cam Robbie’s daddy?
  8. I knew Hall would be a Panther one day after like 3 back to back penalties against Smith that let us win the game. I knew he had a soft spot for us.
  9. He dating a chick. She raced cars.
  10. Rogers used to live in Charlotte during off-season at one point.
  11. Do we get Rogers and try to do what Tampa did?
  12. So I met my wife and she had no idea I was a smoker… I did not smoke in my car or around her. While being on like 5th date she told me how her dad smokes and she hates it and would never ever date a smoker. I went “oh poo” and legit quit that exact day. She still have no idea I was a smoker.
  13. It was first 5 for me! My wife pissed me off so bad once 12 years ago… I went a bought a pack and smoked one cigarette but toss the rest of the pack out. That one cigarette was like Bruce Willis flashback from Armageddon movie after first hit.
  14. Oh yea, I used to buy Marlboro for like $2 a pack! The prices are nuts. If I really want to have a smoke, I usually have some CBD. Cold Turkey is the best way to quit in my opinion.
  15. You will always crave a cigarette. Even 20 years after quitting I still want one sometimes.
  16. Everyone needs a good Johnson. I knew it was all just a pipe dream.
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