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Mr Mojo Risin

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About Mr Mojo Risin

  • Birthday 09/17/1990

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  1. I imagine not much I think we may have even lost a bit but I'm purely speculating with 0 research. Just going off stuff I thought I heard last year
  2. Like Legadu Nane and Haruki Nakamura?
  3. Definitely glad he's trending in the right direction going into the offseason. He could still regress like Stroud did this year. Need to see him have a season where he puts it all together for us to feel like we finally have our "guy." Hes close but not quite there yet. I hope he gets there.
  4. Very happy and proud of our young team. For the first time in 5 years we head into the offseason with some real optimism for the future. Bryce put an exclamation point on the end of his season and return from benching. Proud of the young man and I truly hope this is a sign of this team turning the page and becoming a competitive team from this point forward. #KeepPounding
  5. Okay well what else are you going to do with the money? You think it's asinine to build around your young #1 overall draft pick? I don't really understand what you're trying to say. If we surround Bryce with weapons and he fails wouldn't the team be set up for us to insert X Qb into X scenario? Why would we want a new QB to come in with 0 resources surrounding them. Your post just doesnt make sense to me.
  6. Still though thats 2013...lol. Hopefully Brooks has a great career and this was a small hiccup before it started. Also makes extending Chuba a little easier to swallow. But damn it never seems to fail with this team. We just cant seem to get it together
  7. Not sure but whatever it was I sure hope it continues.
  8. Also "There is no specific protocol you need to take in order to retire. To be considered officially retired, you must be without a contract for a year from the expiration/termination of your last contract. From that one-year date, you are now officially retired and a notice will be sent to the NFL." https://nflpa.com/former-players/faq/how-do-i-officially-retire#:~:text=There is no specific protocol you need,notice will be sent to the NFL. Cam hasn't been on a team in almost 4 NFL seasons. Hope you have a nice rest of your Sunday and don't forget to take your medication.
  9. Seems like you are projecting your lack of intelligence with a post like this. But go off princess you aren't bothering anyone
  10. He hasn't played on a team in almost 4 NFL seasons you guys. Plenty of players don't ever "officially " retire. That is a very poor excuse.
  11. Would have been nice to get more than a 5th but that isn't realistic. He's a FA next year. We are 1-7 what is the point in keeping him this year? Better to get something vs watching him walk for nothing
  12. We'll never have a leader at the position quite like Cam. He bled and shed tears for this team and did everything he could to try and turn us into a consistent winner. What a terrible way his tenure here ended, and what could have been had we just kept him and allowed him to get healthy. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBmO88Ty_As/?igsh=ZTJqZWp6azJuc2dq
  13. Yea but like why are we waiting until the final drive of the half down 2 Tds to start trying to make these kind of throws. Bryce just simply doesn't have it at this level and I think DC knows this
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