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The Saltman

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About The Saltman

  • Birthday 08/12/1981

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  1. I am good with Dorsey. He is coming into his own and has experience in the organization.
  2. I am also sad that we won’t get to see any Rhule forehead memes
  3. I also took a poo and then saw the announcement. It feels like it was fate.
  4. This all happened because I have returned.
  5. Or just pay our lord and Savior here at the huddle like 100 grand. He might do it. Might..
  6. We really need to go into Dallas and shut all of these idiots up. Would make a great ending to my Thanksgiving dinner!! Oh Also...
  7. there are no workarounds right now, it wont even open. Parking my car outside for now, but I am having someone come look at it. I have no more money left.
  8. Speaking of Garage doors the chains on mine completely broke.
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