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Everything posted by KingKucci

  1. Dang! You beat me to it. Maybe he can get some 1st stars of the game so we can hear him speak more.
  2. Nailed it. Bryce stinks. “Oh he threw for 300 yards vs Green Bay”. SFW. I saw Darnold throw for 300 a few times and he stinks. Bryce is a collapse. A complete colossal bust. “But but but what Peyton’s rookie year??? He stunk” Peyton’s at least threw for over 3400 years and 26 TDS that year with one less game. Mini me won’t touch 3000 yards and has 12 TDs. Half of Peyton’s rookie numbers. And if Peyton’s rookie numbers “stunk” Bryce’s rookie numbers are Jamarcus Russel, Ryan leaf, and pickles level bad. Facts are facts
  3. A fuging lemon because we were sold a bill of goods and I want my money back.
  4. But if the Huddle critics him then people loose their minds.
  5. Let’s get the winning streak to 5 in a row!
  6. Him and Pono could be awesome next year
  7. Let’s show we can beat this team. 4 in row tonight!
  8. Raanta in net….I hope he does really well. Let’s get two in a row!
  9. The origin of my handle..
  10. I wonder if the coaches were trying to get Koochie this past year to play more like a standard goalie. Remember, when he was great for us in that run last year, he played like this above..wild and himself. I really wonder if in that players only meeting they told Koochie just to go back to being you. Last night, he made a ton of these old school wild saves. Maybe you cant keep Koochie in a box and you have to let him be him?
  11. That's it....I couldn't remember the other time. They are all freak accidents and we know the guy goes hard. However freak accident or not, the guy does miss time due to injuries. Prob more to do with just how hard he goes.
  12. I can attest to this....I broke half my ribs in a horrible six time rollover car crash. It hurts to walk breath....Much less play hockey. I was good to go after about 6 weeks. I bet svech is out at least a month.
  13. Peyton Manning had a passer rating of 71.2 with 3,739 yards, 26 touchdowns and 28 interceptions Young though 12 games 70.9 with 2,192 yards, 9 touchdowns and 9 interceptions He at least scored and put up yards. Honestly, that season looks all world compared to Bryce.
  14. He missed time in the playoffs a few years ago in a playoff game vs Boston or Tampa that kept him out for some time. I know there is one more but I cant think of it off the top of my head.
  15. Now its even more imperative to make a trade for a goal scorer and a goalie. Earlier the better so we can get them acclimated to out system. If we wait until the trade deadline then that's more time its going to take for us to gel.
  16. I love svetch but he gets hurt every year I feel like and misses a ton of time
  17. And yes….the radio guys said it’s shouldn’t be anywhere close to looking like this with these players. They aren’t playing as one unit.
  18. Historically bad goalie play. The team is still just off. Listened to XM radio this morning. Apparently we have gone back to Orlov and pesce being out of place and it’s causing Slavin and burns over skate. Also, the talking heads said a few of the forwards are skating very very lazy. Mentioned necas actually. They said he is just way too careless with the puck. I believe a few of here have made that observation. Personally, I think Orlov doesn’t fit here and was a bad signing. The other issues can be corrected. However, we have to make a trade for goal scoring and goalie. If that means trading Orlov pesce Drury or necas and Raanta/Koochie, we have to do it. Our window is gonna slam shut with this current roster it’s just not good enough Anyways. Let’s go canes. I guess.
  19. This one is going to bite me cause Ive been rolling with Turbo but I feel Svech gets it tonight.
  20. Svech likes hat tricks against this team......Svech has a big night
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