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  1. I would rather hear, "Here come the Panthers, with sharp teeth and claws, they a play game, called pro football RAAAWRAAAW"
  2. We get State and Carolina playing tonight to get us kicked off with week 1. btw, I wish we had a college football sub.
  3. KK and a 3rd for Laine? That salary exchange would be pretty close. Maybe throw in a 2nd vs the 3rd if they retain more of the salary?
  4. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/blue-jackets-gm-waddell-says-laine-has-permission-to-talk-to-other-teams/ Looks like Donny Wads has given him the ok to talk to other teams. Should we?
  5. Why does it look like we have Steve Urkel‘s fancy clone Stefan Urkel at quarterback?
  6. Where does this season rank as the least amount of excitement before any Panthers season? To me, its dead last. i just dont see any hope unless Canales pulls 2002 john fox moves. Speaking of, that season I have zero hope going into it but ended giving me some after 1-15 to 7-9. Same with 2010 but we at least knew we had Cam. What say everyone?
  7. He was the number 1 over all pick that we traded a ton to get. Marginal for this level of trade wont cut it. He either shows why he was the pick or move on. You dont trade what we did for Kirk Cousins or a Carr caliber player.
  8. Staal house been our best player this series. The captain is giving it his all like its his last run.
  9. Local media AND national media shredding our special teams. Literally said everything we had. some of the best at both in regular season, worst in both categories in the playoffs.
  10. Rod has absolutely been my favorite coach of all time, but its not working in the playoffs. Its just not. Hindsight, we should have went with the goalie rotation we did the regular season. It was working. Freddie is coincidently getting worse in the playoffs. You see the correlation there. However, missing Pesce and Fast is not helping. Benching Noesen in Ot last night when net from goals was working is mind numbing. Rod needs to be held accountable. We also need our shutdown line back. I know fast is out but Staal Maartnook and "insert" need to play. But like you said, nothing matters if your special teams are poo. and boy are they poo. 7 power play goals allowed in 6 games is how bad the PK was to start the year. Yall remeber how awful we were to start the year. Power play is atroicus. Its 0-11 is insane how bad that it is. You cant and wont win against the presidents club winner playing like that. Lastly, goalie play is average to bad. You arent going to win allowing 8 goals in 2 games. We need our goalies to make saves. Discipline. We don't have it. We know the Rags are going to flop. We know the refs are going to fug us. Its what it is. How do you fix it? Mindful of your stick. Forecheck...hit it and see it. Dont give them the chance to flop or call penalties. Rod needs to be held accountable. Its not working. Playoff Rod is playoff rod for a reason. not because we made it up. Lastly, no its not over. These are correctable things. We could easily win the next two at home and boom, GAME ON! But for that to happen, Discipline, PK, PP, and goalie must be better. Its alot more than just winning 5v5. They all tie together. If I had to pick 1 to be good. PK. Stopping that like we did all year, would solve most problems.
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