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Everything posted by KillerKat

  1. I saw that open receiver the second the play was snapped. Why didn't our defense?
  2. After he had to dive for it while outstretched. You kidding?
  3. Cam killed that drive by not throwing to Tolbert for a free first down.
  4. Why do our sweeps always look busted before they begin?
  5. WTF Shula, you can't run the same play twice. Just wasted a down.
  6. Why is everyone surprised? This is how we've always looked under Rivera. Slow start, unmotivated, under prepared.
  7. This is looking just like an unprepared Rivera team. No surprise.
  8. pretty sure Charles Johnson got hit from behind which should've been a flag.
  9. Hey Ronde, if you say the Saints aren't hurting with Luke out there, then you're saying Brees sucks and him and Luke are on the same level.
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