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Everything posted by KillerKat

  1. Dont disrespect Rodney like that. Bryce is more like Zach Wilson 2.0.
  2. Thats what you are supposed to do with a #1 overall. If Bryce had any talent to be a franchise QB, we wouldve seen glimpses of it by now, but he has none. He was a lemon upon arrival.
  3. Good goaltender that has already won a championship, lets bring him in to win one for us.
  4. He would have to throw nothing but interceptions in order for us to send Bryce out there to become a big nothing burger.
  5. hes my QB in Madden. Its like playing as Cam all over again.
  6. yeah imagine spending all that draft capital on a #1 overall that cant even be a competent backup. If Dalton gets hurt and we send someone else out there, think of how much worse that would look to everyone else.
  7. If he was, thats bitch behavior and he needs to go this week.
  8. Did anyone ever notice Bryce anywhere near Dalton? He shouldve stuck to him like a shadow learning all he can.
  9. thing is, that doesnt really matter. Bryce had 18 games and never looked good 1 time. Today is proof beyond a doubt that a competent QB makes this team 1,000 times better. Even if Dalton regresses, this is the window of what the team should look like.
  10. Hell, many were saying Mahomes wouldnt be any better lol.
  11. #2 should be its own thread and shut everyone up about Bryce ever coming back or staying with the team.
  12. We would be better off signing someone off the streets than putting in Bryce.
  13. Its typical of Shaq to miss tackles like that. Open field, 1 v1, he is going to get run over just about every time. Hes been like that his whole career.
  14. This is what shouldve happened last year after Dalton started a game and the whole offense looked completely different. I called it then and others here did too that shouldve happened.
  15. Hes a grown ass adult who doesnt care to put in the work it takes to be a franchise QB. No, I will not leave him alone. Especially after what we gave up.
  16. Take your pouting, non-ambitious, soft ass and hit the road.
  17. Yeah time to trade Bryce for anything. He can fug right off.
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