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About KillerKat

  • Birthday 07/09/1985


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Im not going to hold my breath. Im going to wait and see if the team does its usual thing where they look completely different in the playoffs from what we`ve seen all year.
  2. Cool, now we are overpaying for 20lb undersized D-linemen. Great!
  3. Why cant Carolina understand that the #1 job for a safety is to be able to cover?
  4. If you are looking for a Safety to help with your piss poor run defense, oh wee mayne.
  5. Morgan fuging sucks. Might as well have kept Fitterer. Nothing has changed.
  6. Morgan is another Hurney having no idea how to handle contracts.
  7. Rod`s system made Mikko want to leave. There I said it.
  8. We dont have a true #1 QB, so doesnt really matter.
  9. and cant even ask if he wanted to resign in the first place? I feel like we rushed it.
  10. We`ve gone from contenders to a stepping stone for players to use to go somewhere else.
  11. Like hell you cant! Shouldve gotten a ball park figure from him before making the trade.
  12. So our GM never bothered to get a ball park figure from Mikko on what he wants on his next contract before trading for him?
  13. Colorado`s GM has been cooking. They just got Brock Nelson. God, why do all Carolina teams have bad luck with GMs?
  14. Hurricanes are quickly becoming a joke again.
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