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About KillerKat

  • Birthday 07/09/1985


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Yeah he has already peaked. This is probably the start of the decline.
  2. Hate to say it, but I dont see Rod staying here the entirety of his contract.
  3. I was thinking about this more and the only one I can think of that worked out was Kevin Greene. I thought Olsen at first, but he wasnt a superstar before coming here.
  4. Im going to withhold judgment on this trade, but really when has a superstar trade ever worked out for any Carolina team? It usually ends up as a clusterfug.
  5. Morgan is another Hurney in managing a roster.
  6. Im not understanding the format. USA already in the championship match but still have to play before that?
  7. nah, youre a clown. You can kindly go fug yourself.
  8. If we keep Jansen for 5 more years, he will beat Trey Junkin for longest career at long snapper.
  9. Why am I the only one who understood this the first time?
  10. Learn to play in traffic blindfolded.
  11. This is what I dont understand why others dont understand.
  12. I still dont see the big deal. What he said could apply to any team that drafted first. Jets, Browns, Bears, Jaguars, Cardinals, whoever. He is speaking in general terms, not personal.
  13. Just Smitty being a hypocritical baby as usual.
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