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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. lmao that's a hell of an endorsement. No one here saw Morgan behind closed doors so he must be great! The fact he's friends with Tepper is all I needed to see. Now lets prepare to get our MLB with our 2nd round pick. Can't wait!
  2. You don't need to know anything when you see it! Wake tf up man! Are you blind or something? All you do is go around pooing people because they know Tepper is bad at his job. You expect people to believe in whatever he touches is just flat out ignorant. How about sit back and be quiet. You can't question the fans who see Tepper for what he is a bad owner.
  3. Keeping the functional parts together is the last thing he should have done. This is the worst team in the league you clean house if you are serious about changing the franchise. Tepper is a fuggin idiot. Sorry to be rude, im just tired of these stupid ass hires. He tells the fanbase big changes are coming and he hires Dan from around the corner who he already has a relationship with. Tepper has his yes man. This announcement has kind of ruined my interest in the next HC because im expecting the worst. People of Carolina David Tepper is really going to leave a shitty legacy behind when it comes to the Panthers. I hate to be negative, but everything this dude touches turns to shitt!
  4. He hired someone he already knew. That should tell you all you need to know. Dan is a Yes Man. We needed to hire someone outside the franchise. Tepper was never going to do that. Yall can keep preaching false hope, not me I knew Dan was going to get the job. It was set up for him to replace Fitt. Loser owner makes a loser hire. Dan was a great player, but he's not the answer. Now watch him hire a no name HC. This will be the cherry on top.
  5. Sad times. This will only get worse from this point. Tepper is clueless. I have a feeling the HC will be some no name nobody was mentioning. This is what he does.
  6. Baker Mayfield got to the 2nd round of the playoffs. Anything is possible. It seems everyone has success once they leave here. Steve Wilks 1 game away from a SB. So is CMC.
  7. Good point. Kind of hard for me to avoid it because I watch sports 80% of the time. Maybe I need to get back on my Netflix n Chill.
  8. So who we drafting? I don't really know much about the prospects but Cody Williams from Colorado stands out. Our wing position would be locked in with Miller/Williams on the wing. Both kind of similar players as well.
  9. LMAO Buddy said a sophomore slump. What the hell did we witness his rookie season?
  10. Yes they are comparing him to Brady/Manning. Do you think I'm calling him overrated for nothing?
  11. You have yet to show me where I actually hated on Josh Allen? I called him overrated because the hype and the success is not adding up. I called him Brett Farve Jr. with his decision making. Comparing him to a HOF QB is hating? Just because I don't worship him like most doesn't mean I'm hating.
  12. Which is why I wanted a true alpha HC. Only Harbaugh or BB would have gave us any hope. We need culture changers not yes men who will listen to Tepper.
  13. They need something every year. Mahomes had limited weapons. This was his best chance to beat him. I'm just not big on excuses every year. At some point you are part of the problem. We can have this same conversation again next year because we all know it's coming. I think I just have to accept the fact this guy is well liked and people want him to be great. That's when I become labeled as a hater because I don't like people getting credit without actually winning something. I seen a similar QB in Cam do much more with less than a QB like Allen. I'm sorry but I can't feel sorry for Allen. The greats just get the job done. I'm not a excuses guy that's just the fact of the matter. Same reason I hyped Bryce and the same reason why I now question him. He didn't look good all season. Am I supposed to make excuses as to why he played bad football?
  14. Kind of disappointed Tepper didn't even get a interview with Harbaugh or BB.
  15. Yeah man sure Allen is the perfect player. Deserves no blame. His teammates need to get better. Hopefully they don't let him down again next year.
  16. I'm going to end this conversation. Last time you suspended me for simply having a different opinion than you. I learn from my mistakes so I'm going to be the bigger man this time and just end the conversation. No more Josh Allen talk for me. On to the next round of QBs.
  17. You are weird man. How the hell did we go from Josh Allen to Deion and Shadeur? Like just stop replying to me. You have an agenda or something. Sorry if calling Allen overrated offended you. Didn't know Prime and his son was on your mind early this morning after NFL playoff games...
  18. Josh is never the problem. He had a TD late that he missed because he short armed a open WR. KC gave him another chance with the fumble at the goal line which would have ended the game earlier. Allen also fumbled late which his teammate saved him. To allow him another chance to extend the drive. But Allen did nothing wrong. When I just gave you 3 things he did wrong. Sure his teammates also let him down, but they loss as a team. Allen can't get all the credit when they win and get none of the blame when they lose.
  19. You're not a Allen fan yet you keep replying to me everytime I bring him up. Seems like it's personal. I can't call him overrated? I mean he's the #1 story on a Monday. You got people saying the Bills failed Allen. I never seen a QB get so many excuses despite losing. It's kind of sad and pathetic.
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