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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I would do it in a heartbeat. We won't find a better WR in the 2nd Rd better than Metcalf.
  2. A part of me wants to see him get a top 5 DE contract just to see this board have a meltdown. Realistically I think we should seriously trade him for a possible upgrade at WR. Can we get Metcalf for Burns?
  3. Trade for DK Metcalf would be my dream scenario. Burns for Metcalf I would do it in a heartbeat!
  4. Agreed. We have to play to the strength of Bryce. Getting the ball out quickly is his best chance at success until we improve the Oline.
  5. So add a vertical threat for a QB who has one of the weakest arms in the NFL. Y'all playing Madden and trying to make it real life. They already said they are looking to get the ball out of Bryce hands quick which means we will be looking for quick smaller WRs. We need a Zay Flowers. Someone who can catch a screen or slant and take it 80 yards for the TD.
  6. You really think I care how people feel about me on a message board? Like Cmon bro yall take this board seriously. I'm just here for entertainment. If nobody likes me fine. But you and I know that's just not true.
  7. We finally agreed on something because this is my reactions to you repeating yourself lol
  8. LMAO you can't help yourself. Repeat, repeat, repeat... Dude we don't agree leave it at that. It's like you talking in circles. I know how you view team building. I accept your viewpoint I just don't agree with it.
  9. I can accept how you feel about team building. It's you who can't accept how I view team building. Sorry that is hurts you that I don't agree with you. I promise I'm not trying to be difficult. I just believe we need to try something different. We need to bring in some elite players because those players can help you win games. I know you like to think otherwise but the record says your way is not working.
  10. You seriously think adding a elite WR is going to make Bryce turn this offense around? We can get a WR in the draft. Corales already said they will look for quick/smaller WRs. Most of the elite WR in FA are bigger guys Higgins/Evans/Pittman. Jones is arguably the best FA on the market, if we can get him we can legit be a force in defense. Bryce can get his help in the draft.
  11. I have a friend who went to Bali. He said he had a great time and it was one of the best places he ever visited.
  12. I hear so many crazy stories about Mexico that I'm no longer considering that as a vacation spot lol. Aruba sounds like my kind of vacation. That's what we travel for is the eating and sight seeing. We usually don't buy much because a lot of these vacation spots are pretty expensive. I spend most of my money on the food.
  13. This offense can't be fixed with Bryce at QB imo. The best we can hope for is the defense being the best in the league and hope Bryce can become a game manager. That is our best chance at winning next year. Adding Jones to this defense and Evero calling plays would give us a legit opportunity to have the best defense in football.
  14. ^This guy is a robot. He repeats the same thing every time as if he made a new point. Maybe someday you will figure out we just don't agree on team building. But you don't understand this so you will continue to repeat yourself.
  15. Its almost that season for me. Tired of the cold ready to go to some warm weather climates enjoy some 70/80 degree weather. I do most of my vacations before it gets really hot. I have been to Jamaica/Costa Rica/Turks and Caicos. What are some underrated vacation spots I should visit outside of the US?
  16. I remember the early 2000's debate shows. They were mostly discussing the game. These debate shows now are rarely discussing the X's and O's. You got people discussing sports topics about Taylor Swift and how much made the SB more money. It's about what's trending these days. I really miss the days before social media. Life seemed more exciting. Now everyone is on their phones trying to go viral lol.
  17. I know I'm ashamed of myself for even watching it. Most of the time it's just them flirting with the host. People rarely talk about the game anymore. Everything has become about what's trending and the drama around the sport. Kind of sad how social media changed the way we view sports.
  18. Dann Quinn got a HC job and his defense got ram rocked in the playoffs by the Packers. Wilks defense makes it to the SB goes to OT vs the greatest QB since Brady and he gets fired. And people wonder why people say minorities coaches are struggling to get HC jobs. This type of stuff has been happening for decades. I choose not to ignore it. Wilks is just another victim of the system sadly. Maybe he should go to college and just stay out of the NFL.
  19. Shanahan has came up short so many times in the SB. At what point is he the problem?
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