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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Well the good thing is we get to see it happen. I keep receipts so I will leave it at that.
  2. Them Harrison's some weird cats off the field.
  3. Why are teams reportedly interested in trading for a bust? Like cmon bro. If you hate Fields just say that. But to say he's not a starting QB in this league is crazy. Zach Wilson is a bust hence no team interested in trading for him. Fields has reportedly the Falcons and Steelers interested in trading for him.
  4. You forgot CMC as well. They said he was injury prone and traded him away. He goes on to be a MVP candidate. What will these people say when we have no stars left. Are we now gonna blame Luvu?
  5. You do realize there is more than 1 draft right? Are you looking at the bigger picture. Moving forward we need to start hitting on our draft picks. Is it hard sure. But 2 or 3 great picks can turn your franchise around. Look at the Texans they changed overnight. It's not impossible for us to turn this thing around if we start hitting on these draft picks.
  6. Of the normal fast food burger chains Wendys/McDonalds/Burger King I always was a Burger King fan. Their beef just has the most flavor to me. I just hate they suck at their fries. BK Burgers with McDonalds fries would be a game changer for the fast food industry.
  7. You make good draft picks. That's how you get better.
  8. Oh I don't think Bryce will be a franchise QB. I'm just speaking from the Panthers point of view. They may think he is the franchise moving forward. If so why not get him arguably the best WR in football.
  9. We are a year removed from trading a bunch of assets for the #1 overall pick. If they believe Bryce Young is the future, then it is absolutely the right move to pay big for arguably the best WR in football. Why else do you trade up for a QB?
  10. So you think only contending teams should add elite players? Everyone else should just sit back and just draft players. That makes no sense.
  11. Why do you keep talking about a piece away? It's like you forcing that issue when nobody has mentioned we are a piece away. The goal is to add elite players as you go and hopefully we start drafting better.
  12. If I was Atlanta I would seriously think long and hard about this QB situation. Sure Fields sounds exciting, but looking at their roster and this division they could seriously make a run for a SB if they added the right QB. Kirk Cousins with those weapons I could honestly see them in the NFC championship game. If they can get HFA vs San Fran they might have a shot to make the SB.
  13. I'm good man. Tell the family I said hi. It's okay to disagree on a message board. No I'm not angry. My angry days were over the moment Tepper took control of this franchise. I been laughing at him ever since.
  14. For those confused. I'm not saying adding a elite player will make us a contender. I'm saying adding a elite player will help improve our team. When you have a elite talent it makes the guy next to him job much easier. You add Jefferson he will create a lot of attention. Instead of Thielen getting the double coverage it opens up 1 on 1 matchups maybe Mingo steps up playing with a guy like Jefferson. This is what happens when you bring in a game changing player. I understand we are nowhere near close to a contender. My point is adding a elite player can't hurt this team. If you think otherwise then we have nothing else to discuss because we just flat out disagree.
  15. No chance Clifford is returning. Usually the new guys want to pick their own HC. It would make no sense to keep someone from the old culture. Hopefully we hire Bud as HC.
  16. Bryce is on a rookie contract. Just shows you how bad our situation is. We are supposed to be splurging adding talent around our rookie QB. Instead we are drafting bad players and spending money on average players. But no we can't afford elite talent so let's continue doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Huddle please wake up!
  17. Who said we are contending? We just want some elite players. Who wants to go to a game and watch some no name players. You have to actually have talent on your roster to show improvement. You guys are stuck in a different era it seems. This is 2024 you need elite players. If you don't want to pay for elite players then accept a bad product. It's really that simple.
  18. Except every elite player that we discuss it's always we can't afford them. If you like having no name players then don't complain when we have the worst team in football. We traded away all our stars. It's time to start replacing them. If that's Madden so be it.
  19. If we could use Burns in the deal maybe we could get something done? I'm not taking this rumor seriously because the Vikings have already said they want to agree to a deal. Just saying every time a elite player becomes available it's always we can't afford them.
  20. It's honestly kind of weird. Grown men who think they are paying for these players. Like people we are fans. Since when do we turn down elite players?
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