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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I thought maybe you would post it in the college basketball thread so more people can see it.
  2. I hate this guy and everything about him. Please sell the fuggin team please!
  3. Who said you should view the world the same as I? Believe what you want my man no hate over here.
  4. Jets aren't perfect, but they are still a better option than us. That was my point.
  5. Jets have owned us this off-season. I ain't even mad.
  6. Didn't know that until now. Good information.
  7. Ranked 75,353 I honestly didn't think I would be anywhere in the thousands for my bracket. Over 22mil people submitted their brackets. Anyone else submit their ESPN brackets this year?
  8. Proud to say my sister went there for 1 year. Nice campus I must admit.
  9. 100% fact! And I'm loving every second of it!
  10. I'm rooting for State because of my bracket. I have them in my Final 4. I don't view State as a threat. They are like the little brother to me. It's always Fug Duke for me. Once State reaches the Final 4 they can fug off.
  11. Weren't you calling me out yesterday about State, yet you in here doing the same thing. Fug Duke and everyone associated with them Linville style!
  12. Duke got an easy matchup today. Fug those bastards!
  13. Sounds like damn good plan to me. I'm not a golf fan, but if that's your passion seems like a dream to live on a golf course. You ever golfed at Southern Pines?
  14. While we are talking about our dream locations I would move to Colorado Springs if I hit the lottery. Such a beautiful peaceful place. Enjoy nature and live the rest of my life in peace.
  15. Are you telling me NC is more populated than NY? If not then I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. I understand there are people leaving NY. Still doesn't change the fact that more people live in NY than NC. Cmon let me be the Top Dawg for once!
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