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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I think trading for #1 will cost more simply because it is the #1 pick of the draft. The Bears could trade Fields and get more assets while having their choice at QB of Stroud or Young. I don't think they entertain this until they see them at their pro day. If Young can put on some weight and has a great pro day I can see Chicago trading Fields. Young/Burns/#9 for Fields is a hell of a package.
  2. People act like those QB's will be available. Our roster is simply too good to get a top 5 pick. Get our QB now. Stop waiting.
  3. We can pick up Fields for what? I read they are keeping Fields and shopping the pick. If we can get Fields I would be so damn excited!
  4. We didn't sign Coach to worry about the defense. If we wanted defense we would have kept Wilks. This is not a rebuild roster. We need to win now. Nobody wants to wait next year for a QB. People said the same thing last year. Draft a QB develop him point blank. That's why we hired him.lol
  5. Wait people want Stroud over Fields? Im pretty sure Fields would go #1 in the draft given what we know. The people saying Fields can't throw that is a flat out lie. He doesn't have time to read the field because his Oline is the worst in the league. Also who is he throwing to? Chicago literally has nothing around him. Give me Fields over Stroud if given the option.
  6. As long as Cam is alive I will worship that man. I don't think we will see another QB with so much swagger as Ace Boogie.
  7. Yes! Another year with no QB. We sign Derrick Carr and end up with the #9 pick again next year only to repeat the same step again! Mediocrity is a drug. We love it! Maybe some day people will realize this team is going nowhere without a QB.
  8. Fat Boy needs to chill. You owe us 5 mil if anything.smh
  9. AR 15 with Cam as mentor doesn't sound bad. Not sure why people are down on Cam as a mentor.
  10. Watch Wilson look like a MVP again under Payton.lol
  11. Reich has 0 SB's. We need a franchise QB not a QB Reich wants.
  12. When you win MVP's this is the kind of money you get. Not every QB is Tom Brady who had a wife who was way richer than him. Brady could afford paycuts. Other QB's not so much. Kirk Cousins...
  13. Yeah keep what we have and keep building... Where has that gotten us? At some point people need to realize you need a franchise QB. Waiting does nothing but waste time. 3 years and people still saying wait and be patient.lol
  14. This is literally my first thread I ever made. You might need to take a break from The Huddle my man.
  15. Yikes! I guess winning MVP's is no longer good enough. Just like Cam he had a elite TE and not much else. Lamar was the Ravens offense. You sure have a high bar. What is good enough for you?
  16. Why are you comparing him to Malik Willis? One QB played in the SEC the other played in a conference I never heard of. Cmon man stop being lazy with your comparisons.
  17. The NFC is very weak at QB. Jalen Hurts and a aging Aaron Rodgers is the best we have to offer. The AFC is loaded at QB this is why I don't think the Ravens are trying to break the bank for Lamar when he is probably the 4th best QB at best in the AFC. We need to go all in on Lamar like we did for Watson. Getting Lamar in Charlotte would be like Cam all over again. We instantly matter in the NFC. We probably the favorites with his addition alone. Offer 3 1st and whatever player the Ravens want. Our Franchise QB drought is over! #SellOutForLamar
  18. According to some people on the sub Frank is looking for a specific type of QB that fits him.lol We should definitely be all in on Lamar Jackson though. He's easily the best QB in the NFC if it happens.
  19. If we being honest it makes more sense for Chicago to just draft a QB #1 and get some players and picks for Fields. Why stay at #1 and just get 1 starter? You could potentially have Bryce or Stroud with Burns/#9 pick + whatever else we would offer.
  20. If I was a contender in the NFC I would be going all in on Lamar Jackson. If Lamar comes to the NFC they pretty much a shoe in to the NFC Championship game.
  21. Im convinced you just hate AR.lol You can't be a Gators fan yet hate the QB. That doesn't make sense my man.
  22. Fields passed well in college when he actually had time to throw! Chicago has the worst roster in football. They traded away the best LB in football. That franchise is awful. Fields behind a decent Oline will throw dimes. You are what your roster says you are.
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