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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I take it you don't like being around a lot of people? I love to visit those places but why would I want to live near the coast when they get a hurricane at least once a year? I don't want to deal with the stress of my home possibly being damaged every year because of a freaking hurricane.
  2. My man! See that wasn't hard. We don't have to be toxic all the time. You like Stroud no big deal. I like Stroud as well but im not going to down Young just because I prefer Stroud. Young is also a great talent. The size is the only thing he has going against him right now.
  3. He reminds me of prime Antonio Brown would you agree?
  4. Ammo for what? Im not here to prove anything lol. I have said from the beginning im happy with either Stroud or Young. I slightly favor Stroud for durability if that makes you happy. Not sure what else you want from me man.
  5. My man I haven't mentioned anything about Lamar since we made the trade. You're the one who has been on the "Lamar is a dumbass" the past 2 days. We don't care why do you keep talking about Lamar my man. Lamar is dumb we get it. Time to grow up and mature in life.
  6. So you mad because im fine with either Stroud or Young? This board is hilarious. You basically got to pick a side and be toxic to please people. Sorry im not doing that.
  7. Good thing we have a smart staff now. Im sure they will make the best decision for the team.
  8. You good bro? You been calling Lamar dumb ass for 2 days straight. I don't care about Lamar Jackson. Stop bringing his name up clown.
  9. Wow water! What else is there to do besides water?
  10. That's because the only thing there are the pro teams. 90% of my visits to Charlotte are to see the Panthers and Hornets. Other than that it's not much really to brag about.
  11. I visit a lot of places my favorite is Las Vegas. Would I want to live there? Hell no! It's too damn hot.
  12. This is even a weirder take because im a Stroud guy... Do your research next time k.
  13. Might as well trade him if you don't view him as a long term piece.smh I will say it again if you don't want elite players then just move on because they are all expensive.
  14. I would love to see this defense without Burns. We would last 5 weeks before you all begging for him to come back. Burns is a pass rusher people. Look at his long rangy body he's not built to stop the run. Give him credit for what he is good at getting after the QB.
  15. I don't disagree with you a lot, but on this I totally disagree. Burns is by far our most important player on defense. He is our pass rush and without his ability to put pressure on the QB this defense wouldn't be as good as it is projected to be. You just don't franchise a young elite pass rusher. Sign him to a long term deal and get it over with. He is the face of our young defense. Rams offered 2 1st for a reason. Burns is a keeper long term.
  16. Not even 1 page and the Bryce vs Stroud camps are making their point to why they love their QB's. Meanwhile im sitting back laughing waiting for us to draft either one. Im not mad either way.
  17. Im just here to say im a Stroud fan but im not like the other fanboys who try and downplay Young every chance they get. They simply don't know football if they think Young is a project.
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