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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Yeah and we got the B list network. I wanted to be on ABC dammit!
  2. Of course they put our game on ESPN.smh We can't even get all eyes on our rookie for 1 night. This is cool they will respect us down the line when Young is lighting this league on fire. Fug em!
  3. Man how are people not burnt out on his size? In reality this dude is a normal sized human.lol
  4. Not gonna lie I have heard numerous people call us the North Carolina Panthers. Most of those people are females who don't actually watch football. Still funny nonetheless.
  5. You paid $11 for a 2 cookies with ice cream in between? Im usually fine with overpaying for food, but there is no way that was worth it.lol
  6. It very well could be we had some hidden gems on the roster that were being held back because of Rhule. If they break out that's great for us.
  7. London and Pitts need a QB my man. Pitts had a great rookie season when he had Matt Ryan when he was playing like a mid tier QB. Last year they weren't even using him as a weapon. That guy should be used like Kelce. Once they get a legit QB they will be scary. It's why I was happy when they pulled out of the Lamar sweepstakes.
  8. So from the entire division has a QB weakness to "he is a borderline top 10 QB." I just take it as you are unsure on Carr as of now.
  9. Wait you jumped off the Carr badwagon? Could have sworn you were vouching for him this offseason...
  10. We had CMC for years. We were never competitive without a QB. Atlanta weakness is still QB. I wouldn't expect a rookie rb to make them the favorites in the division.
  11. It's funny the people talking about his size are probably shorter than him. They probably mad a dude their size made the NFL meanwhile they are stuck in the real world. He's not growing people. Embrace someone who looks just like you!
  12. This is where Bryce's GOAT career starts! Move over Brady!
  13. My motto the man makes the seats. Doesn't matter if it's upper deck or lower deck every time im at BOA stadium I make sure im the loudest person in the crowd. So I always have the best seat in the crowd. Take notes people...
  14. I was saying playoffs before the schedule came out. After seeing how easy our schedule is we most definitely have a realistic shot at making the playoffs with this coaching staff and the #1 overall pick at QB. If we can't reach at least 10 wins with this schedule the season was a failure imo
  15. Miami/Jacksonville are our toughest matchups. Anyone who thinks playoffs are unrealistic needs to looks at that schedule again. We dodged most of the sure L teams like Chiefs/Bills/Bengals/Eagles/49ers. We definitely got one of the easiest schedules of the league.
  16. Im a big fan of coffee tasting. I like to try many different coffee shops. I love sight seeing different cities. Basically whatever you would suggest to a tourist. Im open to anything that's not extreme like ziplining, skydiving, or any activity that im risking my life.lol
  17. They have no big star names. Offense was so great last year that they missed the playoffs. Again what is so special about Detroit?
  18. Can someone explain why the Lions are playing the Chiefs on opening night? Crazy the hype they get. We beat them with Sam Darnold last year.
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