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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. What problems does he have off the court? If he committed a crime why isn't he in jail right now? Say you and I were friends and I asked you to bring me my gun. You bring me my gun and I commit a murder. Do you think you are a criminal for bringing your friend a gun? Cmon man you sound ridiculous let this kid live. He did nothing wrong. Blame the guy who committed the murder.
  2. Are you saying Scoot is more talented than Miller? I think they are on the same level. Miller can score all over the court. He also shown he has the ability to get to the rim and poster centers. He's also 6'9. What makes Scoot so much more talented?
  3. Not even close! If you have money there is no way I would choose Charlotte over San Fran. It's expensive but it's totally worth it if you have that kind of money to live there.
  4. Yeah I know. Kind of hard to develop those habits when you was never a stretcher to begin with. As I get older im realizing my body is no longer what it used to be. I could run miles in my 20's no problem. Now not so much.
  5. My man you sound ridiculous. Miller brought his friend his gun. That's all he did. You blaming the wrong guy. The guy you should be blaming is the dude who committed the murder. Miller is 21 bro. Kids make poor choices. He didn't know his friend was about to kill someone. My goodness what is wrong with society.
  6. I was sold when he dropped 41 after the off court stuff. The media was on him heavy and he was so poised under pressure. Give me that dude. He handles pressure pretty well. The NCAA Tourny is what people will bring up, but I give him a pass because it was reported he was playing with a groin injury. That's why he was being more of a playmaker in the Tourny. If he was healthy I think Alabama would have won it all.
  7. You're probably right, but this dude is still a hell of a player and a borderline allstar talent. I think Dame would welcome this type of move for Portland.
  8. I see Portland is looking to trade the #3 for a proven player. Any chance we could also get #3 for Bridges and a future pick? That way we all end up happy Scoot and Miller back to back.
  9. I honestly think the people who don't want him is because of his off the court situation. There is no way you are a true basketball head and not realize a wing with his skillset would not help this team. People suggesting pairing 2 ball dominant pg's together only to find out a few months later that they don't fit and have to trade one of them away. People comparing Stroud/Young to Miller/Scoot just don't know what they are talking about.lol
  10. We definitely need a new coach. Not sure what we are waiting for but that should be our next move hiring a coach that can coach a younger roster. Clifford is not the best coach for this kind of roster.
  11. Show me highlights of Scoot making more than a few jumpshots. Miller has single games where he's making multiple shots all over the court. You wants a rim attacker in a shooting league. Cmon man that's not how you win games. Miller will put the ball in the hoop when the defense packs the paint. What will Scoot do when he can't drive?
  12. Not very many that's for sure. Wade is probably the best answer but you can't forget his teammates he played with Shaq and Lebron.
  13. This is why he will be the pick. This dude is getting comps to Tatum/PG. I will say it again he's 6'9 with a handle and can create his own offense for himself and others. He's a certified playmaker who can also shoot. Pair him with Melo and watch these dudes grow together.
  14. Yeah the NCAA Tourney when he was playing with a groin injury which is why his stats dipped. Yeah lets talk about it...
  15. Meanwhile Miller best game is 41 points coming off the gun incident with the media against him. Talk about performing great under pressure! Miller will be the guy dropping 50 points on any given night. Scoot doesn't have that type of ability.
  16. Then why has Miller passed him up as the 2nd best prospect? Clearly you're not following the mock drafts. Miller passed Scoot up for a while now. 6'9 wing who can shoot and create for others. Miller is the modern day athletic wing. He's Kawhi/PG/KD type wing. Scoot on the other hand is Ja/Russ/Rose type pg. Also you seem to be ignoring we already have a 6'6 pg on the roster. You don't pair 2 pg's together. Get the wing and pair him with Melo. Don't overthink this.
  17. I stop reading after that. Shooting is the most important skill to have in today's NBA. The rim attacking guards like Ja/Russ/Drose have all failed in the playoffs because they can't make a shot in late game situations.
  18. Man there are a lot of casuals in this thread. You got people suggesting trading Melo for the #6 pick in the draft.lmao A 6'9 wing who can dribble, shoot, drive is there for the taking and you got people suggesting we take a 6'2 rim attacker who can't shoot and plays the same position as Melo.
  19. It was live on air during the ESPN interview with Wemby. He said he knew he would be going to San Antonio months ago to follow in the footsteps of other France greats to play for the franchise such as Tony Parker and Boris Diaw. I knew the draft was rigged but this was pretty much confirmation. I can't believe this didn't blow up on twitter.
  20. Bro Melo doesn't have leverage to ask out. He hasn't even got his 1st max contract yet. They said the same thing about Zion leaving New Orleans. Money talks. Players will always take the money their 1st contract. Also who are we trading Melo for?
  21. The flashy guys fool them every time. Those guys like Morant/Drose/Westbrook sell tickets but they don't win in the playoffs. You have to be able to shoot in playoff games. Im suprised people haven't figured out how important shooting is in today's league. The Warriors built a dynasty off having multiple shooters on the court.
  22. So you watched the NCAA Tournament games and you didn't know he was dealing with a groin injury? He was the best player all year. Then he injured his groin when the tourny started. That's why his stats dipped. CP3 missed playoff games for a groin injury. At least Miller actually played injured. He has that DAWG IN HIM!
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