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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Brandon Miller scores more points than Scoot and according to you he's doesn't have the work ethic as Scoot. That right there tells me who has the higher ceiling. One guy can get 40 in his sleep. The other guy has never seen 40 points all last season. Miller gives me a PG/Tatum/Ingram vibe. If he can already shoot imagine when he cleans up the little things like ball handling and strength. You looking at another high scoring elite wing talent.
  2. His shooting looks good but he was actually pretty bad from 3 this past season at 28%. Can he stay healthy will be his biggest threat. Last guy that tall didn't have a very long career aka Yao Ming.
  3. It's amazing how Baker Mayfield keeps getting starting jobs. This dude must have some dirt on half the coaches in this league.
  4. I have no idea why Atlanta trade Ridley. Just a stupid move for them. He's going to be a top 5 WR with Trevor Lawrence imo.
  5. Yeah just like Young/Stroud im fine with either. But everyone has their preference and im watching the film and just like I said with Bryce Young the film tells me Brandon Miller has more to his game than Scoot. Miller can play 3 positions his versatility is a game changer. I think the individual workouts will tell us a lot more about these 2 prospects. I think the picture will become more clear when we see these players in person at the gym in Charlotte.
  6. A lot of people fall in love with the flashy players. Im fine with Scoot as well, but im a big film guy. Im watching the film and Miller is a more well rounded player imo. Scoot is a ferocious rim attacker and a high energy athlete. That's cool and all, but you need to be able to shoot in this league. Miller is a 6'9 2 way wing. I watched his film and right away I noticed he scores all over the court consistently compared to Scoot. Im a big fan of guys who can shoot. He has potential as a 2 way playmaker. He fits from day 1 and we don't have to worry about moving Melo out of his natural position. We have a month before the draft so I might very well change my opinion, but right now im confident Miller will be the best pick for Charlotte.
  7. Scoot and Melo can play together but it's not the best of fit. I assume Melo would move to sg because of his height and he's the better shooter. If we draft Scoot we probably going to play at a faster pace. I think a coach like Dantoni would be someone we should look at.
  8. I do believe the out of shape part. People forget he had a groin injury during the tourney. I had a groin injury my senior year towards the end of the playoffs. I literally had to miss the last game before the state championship. Depending on how bad the groin tear is you can barely walk. I had a pretty good tear and it took me 2 months just to get back right. Miller probably hasn't been working out and probably gained some weight. But he actually needed to gain some weight on his skinny frame so im not sure what the report means he's out of shape.lol
  9. A 6'7 pg and a 6'9 sg sounds too good to pass up. We could cause a lot of matchup problems with that kind of length. Melo/Miller/Bridges/Washington/Williams is a crazy athletic/tall team with 4 shooters and Williams cleaning the glass.
  10. Gotta love the rumors starting this early. Woj is saying the opposite...
  11. This a good Hornets podcast I follow. They are a pretty good listen imo.
  12. Woj also tweeted that teams have checked on his background and found nothing of concern. I think the gun thing was the only thing on his record which is good news. Still early in the process to determine who we picking though. I think once we work both Scoot and Miller out is when we start looking at these rumors more seriously.
  13. That's fair. You made it known you don't want him. But these comments were mostly basketball discussion. You turned it into what Miller did off the court. I respect your opinion but im looking at it from a basketball standpoint.
  14. Big cities are nasty. Every been to New York? San Fran has a lot more to offer than Charlotte. Outdoor lifestyle, great weather, the culinary scene is great if you are a chef that's the best place to pursue that career. They also have great career opportunities. Charlotte is a small town vibe city. If you more of a indoor person than you might prefer Charlotte. Other than that I can't think of any reason why I would rather live in Charlotte over San Fran.
  15. 21 year old kids make bad decisions. Again not everyone made great decisions like you at 21. Mr. Perfect life!
  16. I made some dumb decisions at 21 bro. I was driving while drunk. Thankfully I made it home and realized I had made a very dumb decision. I learned from my mistake and have never drunk drive again. That's not my only bad decision either, hell I still make some bad decisions at 33. Im sorry but im not perfect. Im sorry I haven't lived the perfect life as you. This kid can bounce back from a bad decision even though he probably had no idea what was about to happen. Life goes on we can seek redemption.
  17. That's fair. But don't try to debate the basketball part when you don't want this guy because he brought his friend a gun.
  18. Bro that's his freaking teammate! My goodness you never played sports? When you play on a college team you will hang around people that are on the same team as you. I went to a division III school and I was forced to meet and hang around new friends. You do the same in the workforce. This is life my man.
  19. Oh this guy has lived the perfect life. He doesn't know people have some bad friends. I had a 2 friends who have been to prison. I can't control what they do with their life. You can't blame this kid for something he didn't do. We talking about basketball yet all you want to talk about is him off the court.
  20. Again I ask the super athletic guards like Ja/Russ/Rose/Wall all sell tickets but none of them win championships. If the goal is to bring excitement to Charlotte then draft Scoot. We can market him just like Ja/Russ/Rose/Wall. If you actually trying to build a competitive roster then you take Miller and he fits like a glove with Melo. He also has superstar potential like Scoot because he can get his shot and make 3's on a consistent basis. This is a 3point league.
  21. Yes I want to give this guy millions he is a special talent. He doesn't have a criminal background. What else has he done that im not aware of?
  22. Bro the law already said he's innocent. Not sure why you still stuck on that situation. Something tells me if you had your kid in this same situation you wouldn't be saying the same thing. Kind of easy to attack a kid you don't know personally. Does he have other stuff on his background that you know about? Bringing a friend his gun doesn't seem like a big deal to me. But hey go ahead and keep talking about his unknown case lol...
  23. So blow up our entire core for Scoot and start over. Sounds like a hell of a plan!
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