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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Can't wait for Jaycee Horn to get healthy and become all pro. Maybe we can trade him for 2 1st round picks when he hits his prime.
  2. By this logic no team should pay their elite players. Burns is arguably the best player on the team. Turn off the Madden. This real life bro.
  3. Please don't jump on the bandwagon after the fact. #KeepThatSameEnergy
  4. And people wonder why we have a weak fanbase. Fans like this who want to get rid of the homegrown talent we built up for some damn picks who we might not hit on like we did with Burns. You don't trade the guys you built up! Those are the guys you keep! How do you expect to build this defense if we trading our most talented player on defense. Make it make sense!
  5. Do we have enough to pay him? Yes. Are we willing to overpay a lot more than the contenders? No I don't think so.
  6. Simple question. Is there any player on the team that you like? I swear you always talking negative about everyone.smh
  7. Nah this is a young top 10 pass rusher. The most important position on defense. This is like the QB position on defense. You don't play around with that position. If he is one of the better DE's in the league lock him up and don't think twice about it.
  8. I like chicken wings. #JustNotBojanglesWings
  9. Yeah not sure why you involved race for. Im talking all races.
  10. Anybody find it odd that all these reports about Brandon Miller being bad at interviews yet when you watch his interviews he seems pretty well spoken for a 20 year old. That tells me teams are trying to tank his value so he can drop we already heard rumors Indiana wants to trade up for him. Something not right because when you watch his interviews it doesn't match the reports out there. I wouldn't be suprised if Miller is indeed viewed as the 2nd best prospect in this draft. I have yet to hear teams are trying to trade up for Scoot yet.
  11. This is kind of a moot point. Hopkins isn't even a realistic option for us right now. I only brought him up as an overpay option. That's the only way he comes here.
  12. Yeah it was cool 18-23 year old range. If you older than that and still blasting loud music you look kind of goofy imo. Had a dude in the drive thru who thought it was cool to turn up his music while waiting for his food. Speakers so loud I thought my windows were about to break.smh
  13. It doesn't slow down Mingo if anything it helps him especially since Hopkins would be receiving the double coverage. Ask Thielen what is was like playing with a true #1 WR. It makes the #2 WR job so much easier. I can't believe that people think Hopkins hurts the team.lol
  14. Obviously I was once a teenager and I used to listen to loud music in the car, but I have noticed that most of these loud thumping cars/trucks are grown adults. What gets me is when they pull up to a red light in traffic and just force everyone else to listen to that loud trunk rattling sound.smh Is loud music still cool for adults?
  15. They said the same thing about KD. Not saying Miller will be KD, but he has the same kind of frame coming out of college.
  16. I said he's Scoot like. Obviously Scoot has a higher ceiling. I am also cool with Scoot coming here. We just both prefer the opposite guy.
  17. If you actually read my post earlier in this thread you would see I said the only way we get Hopkins is if we overpay more than the contenders offer him. Not that I think we will overpay him... You look weird bro. Stop making assumptions...
  18. Yeah despite what some may think I said from the beginning if we pick Scoot im totally fine with that. We all have our preferences but either way we going to get a pretty good player.
  19. Again he is a wing. Those weight problems are for the 7 foot guys who have to guard true bigs. Miller is not banging with big bodies on the perimeter. KD had a hell of a career being tall and skinny wing.
  20. I watched that video 3 times and I didn't see AR's drawing. You sir have some great eyes.
  21. Are you asking if we can use a #1 WR? What kind of question is that. Hopkins is not a cancer. Hell yes we need that kind of WR. Ask Cam Newton who was his WR his best passing season. That vet Smitty was the best thing Cam ever had and that was his rookie year.
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