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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Remember people vouched for Derek Carr this offseason... https://football.realgm.com/wiretap/49432/Derek-Carr-Apologizes-For-Not-Giving-Raiders-His-Best-Last-Season Thank goodness he's the Saints problem now.
  2. Im asking you why would we want a 34 year old Derozan? You said it yourself he's looking for a ring or a big paycheck. We can offer him none of those things and we shouldn't offer him at that age.
  3. That's some good quality gospel music at the end. My respect for Bozeman and his family just went to another level.
  4. Im fine with either but we definitely need a new coach if we draft Scoot. 2 pg's need to play in a fast paced system. I would love Dantoni.
  5. Do you believe in heaven in hell? Most people who experience death and come back to life all describe a tunnel and going up to a light or down to darkness. That indicates to me that there is something in the afterlife. Most people just laugh it off, but I actually believe there is heaven and hell afterlife.
  6. Can't wait to see what my 5 baby mommas get me for Fathers day tommorow. Last year they all gave me letters in the mail saying I need to start back paying child support.smh
  7. Why would you suggest trading for a 34 year old Derozan?smh
  8. And that should tell you just how bad we are at getting star FA's. Big Al and David Wesley was the best we could do in our history. That's kind of embarrassing. Having money means nothing if you don't use it on star FA's.
  9. Once again Charlotte doesn't attract major FA's. The best signing in franchise history has happened to be Gordon Hayward.
  10. Proud to say I live 20 minutes from Jcole childhood home. Dude really became one of the best rappers of my era. Anything is possible!
  11. Those hits on Cam gives me worst nightmares. We loss a lot of yardage from those hits to the head not being called. I honestly believe the NFL did not want Cam Newton beating Peyton Manning on his farewell tour.
  12. I said I prefer Miller over Scoot, but I would be happy with Scoot because I think both will be a star. Also Zion and Hayward are not even on the same level as a player. If Zion gets healthy he is a franchise changer. Fat Zion was still putting up allstar numbers. You act like Zion is just another player. I recognize the risk that comes with Zion. What im saying is if we have a chance to get that kind of talent we should pursue it. For all we know Zion may just want a change of scenery. Rumors have floated around that he wanted out of New Orleans the moment they drafted him. Last time Zion was in shape he was in the Carolina's. Maybe he needs to be closer to home to his family to keep his mind straight and body right.
  13. lol that's Zion future after basketball.
  14. Windy got it made. ESPN sends him all over the country and he gets to eat his favorite food in each city. Windy is living the life!
  15. Casual fan? Zion on court production can't be questioned. He's played like a allstar since he entered the league. The problem with Zion if off the court dude seems to only focus on eating and women.
  16. Kind of embarrassing no bigger names were interested in buying this franchise. Would have loved to have a richer owner than MJ.
  17. Yes they are still meeting with MJ. Also MJ still has a small minority stake of the franchise. He will still be around the Hornets just no longer the top dog when it comes to decisions. Maybe the new guys will spend more money and take more risk. I also wonder what this move means for Clifford.
  18. I would do it in a heartbeat. Im not sold on Scoot/Melo pairing they both need to run the show or else someone has to take a step back. I rather get the full version of Scoot and just trade Melo for more assets if possible.
  19. Yeah I just thought about it when I saw the report. MJ meeting with the 2 future stars of his franchise.lol It's kind of realistic as well especially if they don't think Melo/Scoot can play together. Maybe we get something extra on top of the #3 pick you never know.
  20. Nobody has brought this up but is it possible they trade Melo to Portland and end up drafting Scoot/Miller at #2 and #3? Hence why we meeting both players on the same day this Monday. Just thinking outside the box lol.
  21. Italian mobsters always play dirty.
  22. This is Charlotte at the end of the day. Don't expect any big time FA's to come here.
  23. Not sure what you're trying to prove. Nobody wants to hear doom and gloom in June. Can we get some excitement instead of being a party pooper?
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