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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Im dead serious. Im not a fan of Diggs. If there is a diva WR left in the NFL he is the closest one by far. He is all about his touches. Dude really was beefing with the Bills because he wasn't involved more in the offense.lmao
  2. Diggs just wants to be in the spotlight. He wants the most targets he wants the most catches. I have suggested #1 WR's all offseason, but Diggs is the first one were I would legit decline. That dude screams "me first". No thanks!
  3. This has MJ written all over it. He's known as a gambling man. Why not take one last gamble on his way out and take his guy Zion.
  4. MJ really about to trade for Zion...
  5. This is all you had to post. Instead you went on a "diva like" rant about how you rather have Hopkins, but I could have sworn you said you didn't want him either. But now since it's a bigger diva in Diggs you rather have the lesser diva Hopkins even if Diggs is more productive.smh tukadiva21 cmon my guy.
  6. Im tired of getting poo'd for suggesting every #1 WR that becomes available so im just going to fit in with everyone else. Hard pass. He will limit the growth of our young potential star WR's in TMJ and Mingo.
  7. Oh so it's the poo emoji on a Sunday night that has you...
  8. Imagine trying to debate a fact. KD your favorite player huh?
  9. What has KD won since he left Steph? It is what it is.
  10. Here is what I also know...I want Miller so the Hornets will definitely pick Scoot. Book it
  11. Not sure if you noticed but they won 2 championships without KD. How is it KD gets credit for a dynasty with only 2 rings and Steph doesn't with 4 rings. Make it make sense!
  12. Just because I have us as a bottom 5 WR core doesn't mean I don't think we can win games. Im one of the few who have gone on record saying we will win the NFC South this year. Im just saying if we added a legit WR like Hopkins this offense could really be something special. What's wrong with saying that?
  13. Curry is not a athletic guard. His shooting is dynamic but he does it with pure skill.
  14. People just love the flashy athletic guards. Scoot is fun to watch but those guys are proven that they can't win you championships. Give me the 6'9 wing who can shoot and play multiple positions. Also Miller game is not as pleasing to watch because he's not a athletic freak. He just knows how to score. Hopefully the Scoot fans embrace him if he is the pick.
  15. Parting shot? MJ is still very muched involved with this franchise. He's just not cutting the major checks anymore. It's why he is still in control of this draft selection. MJ still has a small stake in ownership. We can't officially say he is gone.lol
  16. The workout is overblown. Just tank tops and shorts and freelancing with nobody guarding you. Of course Scoot had the better workout he's a more explosive athlete. What we can't do is let the workout fool us. Film shows you who the better player is. Miller puts the ball in the hoop all over the court. Scoot is a athletic rim attacker who can also facilitate an offense. I can see why we favor Miller we already have a star at pg and if Miller is on the same level as Scoot as a prospect at that point you just pick the better fit. Saying that I will be happy with either of these guys I just prefer Miller based off the tape.
  17. Remember you told me don't tell others they are wrong because they disagree with you. I see you don't live by those words either.
  18. I hope you're right I would love to be proven wrong. I just feel we have to prove it. These young WR"s have not accomplished anything yet. And the 2 vets Adam/Chark are #2 WR's at best.
  19. Nope just my nickname for him. "Mango ready to Tango" I been using it since we drafted him.
  20. Bridges hasn't been signed yet my man. It's like you living in the future or something. One step at a time.
  21. Im not trying to question your basketball knowledge, but you seem out of the loop. 1st It has already been reported Boston is not trading Jaylen Brown they want to sign him to a long term deal. 2nd what issues does a 34 year old aging Derozan solve? The Bulls signed him to contend and they didn't even make the playoffs this past season and they had some talent on that team. 3rd Hayward is a FA after this season. He will likely be trade bait with his expiring.
  22. All this potential is great but in reality we have a bottom 5 WR core. My fear is we passed up on a true #1 in Hopkins because of hope in the young WR's. We are WR injury away from being in trouble at that position which is a concern given Chark injury history. I just hope we know what we are doing at WR. Bryce is still a rookie it would be nice for him to have a sure handed WR who can bail him out like Hopkins can. Mango better be ready to Tango!
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