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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. You think Bridges coming off the bench?
  2. Hard to say until we see what other trades we make and FA. If Miller lights it up in SL it will be hard to keep him out of the starting unit.
  3. It's crazy the mods let him do this in every thread. Dude is seriously just miserable. I feel sad for him honestly.
  4. Melo will be his big brother. Seems like a shy kid.
  5. Go cry yourself to sleep. All you do on this sub is talk down on women and be negative in every sub. You are a miserable person. Welcome to my block list!
  6. Are you a Hornets fan? He's a Hornet now. Might as well start supporting the kid.
  7. It has nothing to do with his game. His talent can't be questioned. The murder case really soured a lot of people on him as a person.
  8. Watch this game for the Miller doubters...
  9. The good thing about this these guys get to prove themselves in summer league. Should be fun to see who has a better run in summer league. I think you guys are underselling Miller. He is a baller!
  10. Rumors were true. They said Melo was at both of his workouts and they went to his crib to see his cars. This pick was all about Melo being the guy we build around.
  11. Stephen A likes the pick it must be the wrong pick.lmao
  12. Yeah ABC. Im about to turn to ESPN if he keeps screaming!
  13. Stephen A is annoying. How is this man the face of ESPN!
  14. I said it from the start. If we pick Scoot we need to fire Clifford asap and hire Dantoni. I think he's the best coach to get the most out of Scoot/Melo. Melo has already said he loves Charlotte. He's not turning down his 1st big contract.
  15. 5 minutes for the pick. Take notes NFL Draft!
  16. I get Scoot's talent but do you honestly think he will show his full potential playing with Melo? I like Scoot as the pick, but I think we need to trade Melo to get the best of Scoot.
  17. How many times you going to poo on Miller? We get it you don't like him.lol
  18. Your time is up old man. Welcome to the new era!
  19. I think the Pelicans will trade Ingram after we take Scoot. They seem to really want him.
  20. We finally agree on something! Im trying to figure out why everyone goes to Vegas for stuff like this. Vegas has no sources lol
  21. Never really believed in Vegas. I mean who exactly is Vegas?
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