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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Nah the WHOOSH is people discussing a innocent man as if he was the killer. The killer is behind bars last I checked. But I get miserable people have nothing else to do but be miserable against innocent people. Keep ranting.
  2. Keep ranting my man. Maybe someone with power will hear you out and get murda man Miller behind bars. It's time to start focusing on basketball. If he did something wrong im sure they will reopen the case then we can have some discussion on his future off the court.
  3. Brandon Miller brought his friend a gun. If that's a shitty person then I feel sorry for the millions of people who have committed this same act.lmao Bro are you just miserable a person? You have yet to place blame on the actual killer. All you want to talk about is a kid who brought a friend his gun. Are you okay?
  4. Pretty sure Miller isn't the only person to bring a friend a gun. What that friend does with his gun is his problem. How do you not understand that?
  5. I was always taught to only defend my family. When you jump into other people's problems is where you can risk your own life. If I see a crime I call 911. Im not the law so im not risking my life to be a superhero unless it's my family. Is that harsh? Iv'e seen to many innocent people lose their lives because they wanted to be a superhero. The law says if you see someone in danger call 911. Only time I break that law is if family is involved and it's a life or death situation.
  6. Nope I don't respect women beaters. If his wife dropped the chargers what more can you do? I will never respect Bridges as a man, but life goes on I don't really care to talk down on him for the rest of his life.
  7. Love how we are responsible for other people actions. Makes perfect sense. I bring you some hot coffee you decide to spill it on your lap and place the blame on me for bringing you the coffee you ask for. You a grown ass man stop blaming innocent people for actions they did not commit. Im actually kind of sad for people who think like you. Wish you well in life but you clearly not living in reality.
  8. Nah just a fair minded individual. How can a less successful person call a more successful person a loser? Kid 20 years old and now has generational wealth. If that's a loser then damn I want to experience that.
  9. Imagine blaming the guy who brought his friend his gun that he asked for. In other words we are responsible for other people actions. Glad you're not the law damn near everyone would be locked up.lmao
  10. Imagine calling multi millionaire kids losers. They have the best job in the world. I doubt people like you and I will ever reach that kind of success. I wouldn't talk down on others my man.
  11. So in other words you have no regards for the lady who loss her life you rather focus on the dude playing basketball. Wish you had the same energy for the actual killer.
  12. Has anybody put blame on the 2 guys who were actually convicted of the crime? It's funny everyone focusing on Miller the guy who was actually cleared.
  13. Gauuuudddddd Daaaammmmnnnnnn! You win the post of the night.lmao
  14. She has been a problem for years. MJ ain't slick. He wanted a sidepiece for his Charlotte condo.
  15. Lot of talent and a lot of guards. Rozier is gone imo.
  16. We did it! Bailey mom will be at Hornets games!
  17. Oh my bad.lol Still think Rozier is gone tho.
  18. All these scoring guards. Rozier is likely traded.
  19. Scoot Henderson clone Miller GanG or dont BanG!
  20. We got 2 lottery picks. Smith is the real deal. Injury is why he slipped. Dude was a top 3 prospect coming out of high school. Excited for our summer league games.
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