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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Yeah I agree. Im excited to see what he does in summer league. I think a lot of people are underestimating his talent. All I ask if for the Scoot supporters to start embracing Miller. The draft is over this kid is a Hornet now. We don't need to keep talking down on him.
  2. It's cool bro. Hope you continue to post your sources.
  3. I like this list replace Payton with Isiah Thomas imo. The history of pg's that play like Scoot are... 1. Westbrook 2. Rose 3. Morant 4. Wall 5. Marbury/Francis All those Scoot pg's are ringless.
  4. Exactly! We as fans fall in love with the athletic rim attacking guards. I get it they are fun to watch, but every single one of them have never won a championship. They simply sell tickets and play exciting style basketball. At the end of the day can you shoot the basketball and make shots in late game situations when teams pack the paint to stop you from driving. It all comes down to is shot making.
  5. Sucks for him. We got the best player in this draft, that's all that matters.
  6. Im not. Check the topics nothing but people shitting on Miller and a couple of us defending a innocent kid. I was willing to discuss basketball but all people want to talk about is him being a murderer.
  7. Im not a insider nor do I claim to act like one. Just show some accountability when your source is wrong. You were wrong on this one. No big deal. I welcome you sharing your sources but I have seen other people get poo'd on because they end up being wrong. No hard feelings bro.
  8. So it's cool to make up rumors and get no criticism when you are flat out wrong? This is all fun n games. If you dish it out be able to take it when you are wrong. Nobody is saying he is a bad person. Im simply saying he needs to make sure his source is reliable.
  9. This was my favorite post in this thread that also happens to be the most popular post. Funny how people will believe a random rumor from a stranger and discredit the people who actually have real sources. This should be a lesson learned take random rumors with a grain of salt. #MillerGang
  10. Preach brotha Preach! Will the real Carolina sports fans please stand up!
  11. Fun fact Brandon Miller was a pg in high school. Those ball handling issues seem to be overblown. He has a decent handle to be 6'9. Wouldn't be surprised if they use him as a playmaker in summer league. He has shown he can pass if given the opportunity.
  12. I understand that, but still what happened to being a loyal diehard fan regardless? The few times we made the playoffs I remember feeling like we won the championship.lol Hornets are definitely the worst of the teams in Carolina, but im going to support them even in the bad times. There is a saying "bad times don't last forever."
  13. Gotta love these type of fans. They only come around when things are going good. What happened to sticking with your team through thick and thin? I don't even know what a real fan is anymore.
  14. What you guys think about JJ Redick as HC?
  15. It's weird all these videos coming out now. The government is up to something again...
  16. MJ selling his majority stake gives me hope we can turn this around.
  17. Young/Miller is the future of Charlotte sports. Embrace them people!
  18. So Scoot has the "it factor" because he's athletic and can dunk on 6'9 defenders? No disrespect, but if that's your reason for having the "it factor" then half the NBA has those players. Scoot needs to develop a jumpshot. All that dunking is cool, but to win games you need to be able to shoot the basketball. Miller is arguably the best shooter in this draft. When you need a bucket Miller will always be a threat because of his shot making ability. Scoot is the more exciting player, but Miller to me is the better overall player at 6'9 with guard skills and 3pt shot making ability. I think he will end up being a better player when all is said and done.
  19. They don't care about the actual case. They just here to troll Miller. Look at the title "Miller's gun case" Miller has been cleared. But they think the gun was actually Miller's.smh
  20. Now this man knows his stuff. Turns out Miller's gang buddies were just acting in self defense. Boy a lot of people will have owed Miller an apology if that turns out to be true.
  21. lol I already ordered his jersey. MillerWhoaaaMiller
  22. There is no plot. Im ready to talk basketball. Miller will be summer league MVP. Jump on the bandwagon before it's too late!
  23. What is your goal in this thread? Can't even answer a simple question.lol
  24. Well if he didn't kill anyone wtf are we doing here! What is your goal here my man? Im legit confused.
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