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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Miller is so smooth. Be patient this kid will develop into a elite wing years from now.
  2. Im happy with how things played out. We still got our QB and we kept Burns in the process. The 2 most important positions in the NFL imo are QB/DE. We seem to have 2 young studs at both positions. I think our future is bright if these 2 guys live up to their potential. Rhule is gone so im taking a more optimistic approach to this team. Not gonna lie I wasn't really into the Panthers when Rhule was around.
  3. People want the perfect player. I swear some of these people live in fantasy land. I hate to see the reactions after he's our highest paid player on the team.lmao
  4. Scoot is a pg. The people who think he would dominate in Charlotte are missing the fact Melo would also be on the team. Scoot would not be able to do what he does with another pg who also likes to have the ball and make plays. Im not defending the Miller pick, but it was clear the Hornets were making this pick because they viewed Melo as the franchise player. I think Miller will look much better when he's playing with a pg like Melo. Scoot does look like the better talent though. I can't debate you on that.
  5. You spend most of your time on this sub talking to other people about me. You can simply block me and all your problems will go away. But you don't even have the mental stability to do that. Im like a drug you can't get enough of me.
  6. Yeah I still don't see how that's trashing him. I mentioned nothing about his game.
  7. I have no idea why people want to trade this guy. Pass rushing DE's are the most important position on defense. We have one just entering his prime no way should we try to trade him. There is a reason why teams are willing to give multiple 1st round picks for a young elite DE.
  8. How is that trashing him though? Im basically saying Bryce seems more focused on football.
  9. Stroud was at the famous celebrity party. Meanwhile Young just working. We picked the right guy no doubt about it.
  10. Chill man he's pushing 80 years old. Let the old man have his own slang. #Yupperz
  11. Not gonna lie Wemby looks like a project. His conditioning is poor and he's getting bullied vs summer league kids. Would not surprise me if the Spurs bring him along slowly as in redshirt him his rookie year. Get him to put on some weight and build his strength. He's literally gassed already.
  12. Yeah im not even worried about Miller making shots. That will come. His shot creation is his weakness right now. But even watching him with the ball you can see he can develop that over time. His handles looked way better than I thought. It's just a matter of him being more confident with his movement. He seems weaker in his lower body. He needs to build up his leg strength maybe that will help with his first step burst.
  13. Oh yeah his shot creating ability is a concern for sure. Hopefully he develops that as he gets stronger and get more experience playing in the league. His shot making will help this team though even as a rookie. Melo will get him easier looks and his job will be much easier than it is now.
  14. They just showed the top 5 scoring games in Summer League history and none of the 5 players were all stars. I think all of them were role players or journeymen. Im not worried about Miller he will be fine when he plays with legit players who can actually play the game of basketball.
  15. @PanthersGOATFan336 just to let you know you pooing my post everyday is not hurting me. You taking time out of your day to log on the huddle and poo my post takes some true dedication, but if you feel im that important then by all means keep pooing me baby!
  16. Being dumb and chucking shots. Worst player in Hornets history.
  17. Miller just doesn't have that selfish takeover mentality. Hopefully he develops overtime. Dude seems more like a team player which is cool for a role player, but we drafted him #2 to be a star.
  18. Im glad we actually picked Bryce over Stroud. I been noticing on social media Stroud is a big party guy. For a guy who praises god a lot he sure does like the celebrity party scene. Bryce seems more business.
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