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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Now lets whip some candy ass!
  2. Watch Washington win the NFC East. That franchise was cursed under Snyder. Good riddance!
  3. Colin Cowherd was on our bandwagon, but it's clear he knows nothing about our franchise. Dude was on Nat'l tv today and said we should trade for Austin Ekeler because we don't have a all purpose rb on the roster like him. At that point I turned the channel. It's amazing these dudes get tv shows/radio shows and legit know nothing about sports. It all makes sense they only follow big market teams. Dude how do you forget we signed Miles Sanders who was the starting rb in the Super Bowl.smh
  4. I use to fry their chicken in high school. We use to marinate them and store them in black tub buckets. Sometimes people would forget to put the date and that leads to old fried chicken which could affect the taste of the chicken. Ever since then I have never ordered Bojangles fried chicken. Was never a big fan before the chicken was never crispy enough for me. I like my chicken crunchy.
  5. It's been bad for years now. Bojangles was my first job in high school. It was pretty good back in the early/mid 2000's. I get it maybe twice a year now and each visit is underwhelming. It's a tourist spot now sadly. They are pretty dead in my area we have like 5 locations and I rarely see long traffic lines anymore.
  6. @Ricky Prickles and @Porn Shop Clerk will love this.
  7. Sir this is a message board... If you come here for friends then that is truly sad. This is also my last reply to you for a while. Im on a short leash gotta keep it football my man. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Back to the topic...
  8. Bryce is a man of the people! No chance he eats that crap though.
  9. Kind of weird Colin Cowturd has been on our bandwagon lately. He's mentioned Bryce Young and the Panthers are his sleeper team this year in the NFC. Says we can win the division. Everyone else seems to think we are a season away from making the playoffs.
  10. I think 28mil a year is what he will likely get. I think guaranteed money will be the key.
  11. Been hearing positive reviews about this film. Will be on my watchlist this Sunday for sure.
  12. Been a while since a Hornets player has been on something like this. Even Melo doesn't seem to do many interviews.
  13. Was never a big Madden fan. Game never felt realistic. I was always a 2k guy. Im still playing NCAAF 14 Revamped. Best football game of all time.
  14. It depends on how he looks. If he's leading us to a TD on opening drives. That should be enough for a rookie. Preseason is kind of for the guys on the borderline of making the roster. Fans will want to see him being that he is the #1 pick. I hope he does well.
  15. I agree. Im just saying not every player has that support system that Brady had. Most of these players don't have endorsements and other income to fall back on. Some players just play football and that's all they have. At the end of the day they have to make the most money they can. Not everyone has a career after football. These guys use that money to live the rest of their lives. Some still go broke sadly.
  16. Not a flex at all. I spent most on family. By the time you buy your house/cars and mom house and cars you really only looking at a mil to play with. I just used that to start my box truck business.lol Im no millionaire lol.
  17. That's true. Hell im living off 3mil comfortably. It truly depends on your spending habits. Some people like to buy fancy cars and big mansions.
  18. I can see why you think that. But you forgot to add Tom Brady didn't need the money. His wife was richer than him. He could afford to take paycuts. Not every QB is Tom Brady. As someone who played football. I know the danger that comes with it. CTE is a real threat short and long term. I will never tell a player not to get the most money they can.
  19. Well that's how I started my business. Work lawsuit for 3mil. Turned some of that 3mil into a box truck business. 10 trucks total 9 drivers. Yeah im doing pretty good. Haven't been on the road all year. I'll probably get back on the road when temps cool down. Until then im just sitting home chilling making money. When you do good, good things will eventually come to you. Im blessed!
  20. Oh so you like to troll people and call them overpaid and hide behind a computer. Makes sense. Some people are adults. I don't spend my days hating on other people. But I get some people are just miserable so they find joy in talking down on other successful people. Do you if that's what makes you happy.
  21. Says the 50 year old handing out poo emojis all day. #GrowUpOldMan
  22. So you basically think people can tell other people what they should and shouldn't make? My parents always told me don't count another's man pockets. "Pocket watching". Im a 33 year old CEO. Money is not a problem for me which is why I don't care what other people make. If it was up to me everyone would be millionaires. NFL is a violent sport. Im always going to support the players when it comes to making the most money they can.
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