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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. We don't give out runner up trophies. Either they are or they ain't. Man up Shaq!
  2. The TMJ and Mingo hype threads are getting boring. Im at the point just show me on the field. When they show it then I will buy the hype. As of now these guys are just hype with no substance. Hopefully they live up to it in the regular season.
  3. That division is crazy I honestly could see them all splitting games with each other. Not sure who wins it but I probably go with the Bills just because Allen is the best QB in that division. Getting Miller back will also be a huge boost for them.
  4. You have the Jets winning the AFC? I seen this before. The media darlings never work out. This is not a Tom Brady situation. Aaron Rodgers gets put on that level but he's just not that great when the games really matter. Rodgers haven't been to a SB in over a decade. Now that he gets a new team in the largest media market we are supposed to crown them the favorites? I seen this before and it usually ends with said team failing expectations. Im not picking the Jets over the Bengals or Chiefs. That's just my opinion. You like them to win the AFC then so be it.
  5. That defense is not stopping Mahomes or Burrow.
  6. I found a routine that has worked for me. About 3 months ago I decided enough was enough and decided to change my lifestyle. I was 242 pounds at the time. My routine was pretty simple I started fasting! That's right fasting along with normal gym routine has me down 14 pounds in 3 months. Im now 228 pounds and still planning to lose more weight. My ultimate goal is to be 200 pounds. I don't fast everyday because that is not healthy for your longterm health. I have a set schedule of days that I fast that is Sunday/Monday/Tuesday. I only eat 1 meal a day during those days usually at 6pm is when I eat my meal. Those other days are 2 meals and usually 1700 calories or lower for whatever I eat. I feel so much better and im energized every day. This is a big change for me, but man I feel so much better than I did before. You can do it people! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! All it takes is dedication and a change in your eating habits. Fasting works!
  7. He's going to win this case easily if it is proven they didn't legally adopt him. Sucks for the family but you can't receive all of the profit especially when it was a family thing. If Other was part of the family he deserves his cut as well.
  8. I'm getting the Bills vibe from last year with the Jets. They have been the #1 story of the off-season. They added all this talent, but people seem to forget Aaron Rodgers is damn near 40 and for whatever reason his game never lives up to the hype come playoffs. I just don't see how they can get through the AFC. I'm certainly not picking them over Mahomes or Burrow. Wish them luck, but I feel the media is over hyping them.
  9. Jersey Mikes has better quality tuna than Subway. Tuna subs are good but man they are so messy!
  10. Miles Sanders will thrive in the screen game. They probably just waiting until regular season to unleash it.
  11. This is just not true. I have seen multiple Nat'l people picking us to win this division including Colin Cowherd and Dan Orlovsky from ESPN. We improved just like everyone else. No excuses why we shouldn't be in contention to win this division.
  12. These guys get paid millions, but it has to suck practicing in this hot weather.
  13. That's the OP point. He can't develop here sitting behind Bryce and Dalton.
  14. When keeping it real goes right. I agree 100%
  15. Yes I do. You expect to miss the playoffs? You come here everyday knowing this team will suck and miss the playoffs. That's tuff!
  16. I respect your opinion but we just have different expectations which is fine.
  17. Im not here to tell people what to believe. Im speaking for me only I expect us to compete and win this division. Playoffs is my goal for this team. Im not expecting us to win a SB. I just want a team that is on the rise. We got the #1 overall pick at QB. Bryce Young is expected to be great. I know others aren't expecting these high expectations and that's fine. Just don't try to poo poo on my parade. I don't come here everyday to talk about a bad team. I just want a change. It's time we start winning again. Times are so much fun when this team wins.
  18. Why do people even watch the games anymore. The Rebuild continues! Exciting times to watch us struggle. But at least we have our draft picks for the next few years to help us rebuild. Oh we don't have those picks so the rebuild will take much longer than expected. 2026 will be our year! @CRA I expected better from you. You let me down with this one my man.
  19. Im just expecting what Frank was preaching. He used words like "contend for SB" in press conference. He said this is not a rebuild. Im just expecting a better team than last season. What's wrong with that? Making the playoffs is very much realistic this season. There isn't some juggernaut in this division. Even people in the Nat'l media are picking us to win this division. Why are expectations so low for you?
  20. Frank seems to be a middle of the pack kind of coach. Im seeing people tempering expectations on this season already. How do we go from a borderline playoff team last year to not thinking the playoffs are realistic this year? Did we downgrade at coach?
  21. We weren't good under Wilks but you telling me not to expect playoffs when we were 1 game away from making the playoffs with Wilks. So in other words Frank will not be much of an upgrade over Wilks either. Expectations are low if we aren't expecting a jump to the playoffs. Do you understand this makes no sense?
  22. You are discrediting what he did by making excuses about the competition he played. The QB's in this division are even worst than last year now that Brady is retired. We also have a weak schedule Miami/Jacksonville are our toughest opponents. There is no excuse why we should make the playoffs this year. As a fan im trying to move forward. We can't keep making excuses for us sucking year after year. We changed the entire staff. We want results!
  23. People said Wilks had to make the playoffs just to keep his job. And he took over mid season. Frank said we expect to contend sooner than later. Theilen signed here because that was his pitch. Im sorry but we need to improve as a team not take a step back. I expect Frank to be a better coach than Wilks.
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