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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Kind of sad to be honest. The fact he was caught and still went through with it shows you he gives no fugs. Such a shame he is our most well known reporter. Sheena Quick please save us from David freaking Newton!
  2. #1 picks are bad teams. People forget we didn't have the #1 pick we had to trade up for it! This roster is not a rebuild roster. We have all our young talent on defense. The Oline is mostly vet guys. WR's are vets and Mingo/TMJ. If that's rebuild then so be it.
  3. No he just had his playoff bracket on his radio show. He put the Giants in and took us out.lol
  4. Colin Cowherd hyped us all offseason, now that he has seen a few preseason games he's off the bandwagon.lol He now has the Saints winning the division. So much for the hype!
  5. Nothing was built even when we had them. We have sucked the entire CMC/Moore era. They were great players, but it meant nothing if the QB didn't play up to par. We got a QB now. Success will come more quickly having a QB who can actually move the chains. Skill players are nice but it means nothing without a legit QB.
  6. How do you develop on the bench? Trey Lance was supposed to develop. Jordan Love was supposed to develop. In reality we don't know what these guys are because they haven't played. Will Grier was supposed to develop. Some QB's are just not good. If we had something in Corral im sure he would be the 2nd string QB already. Nothing stands out when he plays. Average arm, not very accurate, lacks pocket awareness. But we are supposed to develop him while he's watching Bryce and Dalton taking snaps?
  7. Somebody has to get this man out of Charlotte.
  8. Season is over. Why watch the team struggle?
  9. I need some name of players and positions. I know you just naming teams that have good defenses. Why is Tampa in this conversation btw?
  10. It doesn't prove anything. You still can't name me a team on defense with great depth besides the Eagles and even their DB depth is questionable.
  11. You must be fun at parties. Pass rush will be fine when our 2 best pass rushers are actually playing. Those guys are backups for a reason. The defense depth for most teams are not very good. Show me a defense with great backup depth besides the Eagles? Your excuse seems to be we have no depth on both sides of the ball. My question is why are you so concerned with backups and not the players who will actually be on the field?
  12. Let it go bro. We just don't agree. We already got a replacement at rb with Miles Sanders who was the starting rb for a SB team. How are we rebuilding when everybody before preseason where saying we had an above average Oline. Only thing we lacking on offense is a legit #1 WR. They drafted Mingo to help fill that void. Defense is legit. Where is the rebuild at?
  13. To be fair those players weren't helping us win games. So the point is kind of moot. QB has been the #1 reason why we have sucked in the Tepper era. Im banking on Bryce turning that around or at least I hope he does. If not Tepper has set us back even more as a franchise.
  14. Cutting the sodas helped a ton as well. Although I still drink my hennessy/coke on game days.lol When I crave a soda I grab those zero calories/sugar energy drinks.
  15. I tried keto, but I honestly didn't notice a huge difference I was never a big carbs guy which is basically what keto is cutting carbs. I agree with your point about breakfast.
  16. It doesn't matter where he wanted to be. If he didn't perform he wouldn't get paid the following season. It was about money, he signed to play with a lower tier QB.
  17. Yeah I'm not here to tell others what to think. Im just speaking for how I feel. I don't see us in rebuild mode. We have too much talent to be in that mode. They traded a lot to get a QB. That tells me they believe they have a decent roster and can afford giving up future picks.
  18. We don't have our high picks until 2025. I'm guessing you think we add talent via FA to help this rebuild correct?
  19. Frank been lying to us and lied to Thielen apparently. He never mentioned rebuild in his press conference. All I got was we are expected to contend sooner than later and trading up for Bryce was going to be a major reason for that early success. Im just holding people accountable. You can't talk the talk then go out there and put up a poor product. Im expecting upgrade at HC. Wilks had us a .500 team. Frank should be better than that. Tepper hired an upgrade not a downgrade. Hopefully this preseason was not a sign of things to come. Fans are going to be unhappy if we still playing like Rhule is coaching this team.
  20. I said we would be in contention for the playoffs. I never said we should win a SB year 1. Win the division which is realistic make the playoffs. That's all im saying. You calling that unrealistic is just you having lower expectations for the team. We can agree to disagree. I don't know why people are so set on having others agree with them. We simply have different expectations and that's fine.
  21. Im starting to think Tepper is the problem. It's crazy every year the fans are down on the team before the season even starts. This is what this franchise has become. No playoffs this year guys!
  22. People have different expectations. I think I told you this last week. Im tired of giving these coaches excuses before the season even starts. Frank came in here talking about contending for a SB sooner than later. Thielen signed here because he said that was the pitch. Guy is at the end of his prime he's expecting to compete. I don't view this roster as a rebuild lower tier roster. We have some of the best players at their position on defense with Horn/Burns/Brown. We have a legit defense. Offense will be the key to our success this year. If Bryce lives up to the hype while playing in a weak division there is no reason why we can't win this division. Win the division we make the playoffs. That's realistic imo.
  23. We have a allstar coaching staff. Wilks had to put in a new system and he did it with a lesser talented QB. This is not some hard task. Im holding the coaching staff accountable we hired them to get better as a team. Im expecting a better team than what we had under Wilks. The purpose of us not hiring Wilks was Frank was the better coach. Taking steps back just because we changed the system is not a good excuse. This division is up for grabs there is no clear cut favorite to win the division. Im expecting playoffs.
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