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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I mean that's the only reason to visit Chapel Hill. They have good vibes at the bars, but the city itself is just a college town. Raleigh is the best city in the Carolina's we all know this. The Panthers should be in Raleigh we all know this.
  2. I'm leaning Eagles not sure BB will mesh with Jerry Jones in the fold lol
  3. You called it. Don't worry though BB will fix that defense in no time. It would be foolish for them not to go hard after BB.
  4. The Bucs have won the NFC South for 4 straight years. Damn life comes at you fast.
  5. NFC South Stand Up! Baker Shitfield putting respect on our division!
  6. Mike Tomlin walked out because that was a stupid question. The man just took a bum QB to the playoffs and you asking him about his future with the team. How about get the man a damn QB!
  7. There is no debating with you because you have already established yourself as the #1 Cam hater on this board. Cam smiles you find something wrong about his smile. If Cam is on tv you will say he's just looking for attention. If Cam is smoking a cigar you will say it's laced with weed. Cam can do nothing right in your mind.
  8. He is overrated. The Steelers are trash though. They had no chance of winning this game unless it was a snow game. Allen will likely lose to Mahomes next weekend. Bro you really think I care about Cam's records? Hurts was a 1 year wonder dude got paid and forgot how to play QB. Cam>Allen>Hurts end of story.
  9. This one of those games you knew the Steelers never had a chance unless the weather was unpredictable. Unlucky for them the game was cancelled when it was snowing. They probably could have pulled off the upset in snow. Josh Allen is just too good for them especially missing Watt on defense.
  10. Free up money for who? Is overpaying Klay Thompson something we really want to do. This FA class isn't that great guys like Kawhi/PG/Harden all all likely to return to the Clippers.
  11. Have you not seen me trashing Bryce Young? I mean your race card is cute, but you have no evidence of me being a racist. I have the 49ers winning the NFC who happens to have a white QB. I have suggested Harbaugh/Carroll/BB as HC's in that order. Cmon bro if you going to play the race card at least come with some facts.
  12. Should have known the NFL didn't want Josh Allen playing in the snow. They desperately want the Bills to win. They been pushing Allen for years now to be the face of the league. No chance the Steelers win this game.
  13. Please tell me the Buffalo snow game will still happen. Would love to see a real snow game in the playoffs.
  14. Not sure what Tepper was thinking passing on Stroud. Like how do you walk into a room shake hands with a kid who looks to be your regular sized high schooler and think he has what it takes to lead your franchise. Was Stroud too perfect looks, size, arm talent. That maybe scared Tepper off. He knew Nicole would fall in love and divorce him for Stroud.
  15. Sad you quoted my post mentioned nothing about my family situation just to prove your point about a football game. This just shows you how some people value football over real life situations. Thanks for proving your point though. Hopefully the Panthers and Tepper feel passionate about you the fan to put a better product on the field. On that note I'm done for tonight. It's been a hell of a weekend. Hope everyone enjoyed the 1st week of playoff football.
  16. I get your passion, but as you get older you realize this is nothing but a game. This is entertainment. Sorry but much more important things in life than being passionate about a game of football. My uncle has stage 3 lung cancer. My mom has to have an X-ray on her chest because she has been dealing with a cough for a year since she had COVID. I'm passionate about real life situations, not a damn game of football. Sorry if my priorities are not up to par with yours.
  17. Not me. For some reason I lost my passion ever since Tepper has arrived. When we got rid of the Keep Pounding players Luke/TD/Greg/Cam I stopped caring. Maybe that comes with age, but these tough times have made me laugh more than anything. We are officially the worst franchise in the NFL and it is quite hilarious. Owner throwing drinks on fans. This is what we are dealing with now. LOL Panthers era is just getting started baby!
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