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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I feel like Chinn is being over hyped by this board. We been talking about he's being used wrong for a few years now. Maybe he's just not that good?
  2. That dunk he had was crazy. He's already had a few posters his short time here. Would love to see the ball in his hands a lot more. They just running him off screens so far.
  3. Gotta love the people who arrive to the party a few hours later after everyone already opened the gifts.
  4. Of course he throws a int as soon as I post this.smh
  5. Russ has looked decent this year. He's not the problem. That team simply isn't very good.
  6. The guy standing with Smitty was scared asf lmao
  7. This is the comment everyone is afraid to say. Entertaining from a fans perspective, but this was unprofessional especially for Smitty who works for NFL Network. He made it personal.
  8. How do you expect for him to have a big game when you have said in the past he's just not good. Seems like you're covering yourself in case he has a big game...
  9. I wasn't going to watch, but this made things more interesting.
  10. He's going to end up in Chicago imo if the Pats let him go. Hopefully Chicago doesn't give him full control because he sucks at everything else besides coaching.
  11. Oh my Misery is underrated. That woman was crazy!
  12. 100% facts. This is pretty much the case for all sports. Great HC's usually have great players. It's okay for them to get credit when they win championships. When those players leave so does team success. Just look at Greg Popovich when he loss 3 HOF players in Duncan/Manu/Parker. Spurs have been a lottery team with that same HC. Patriots now experiencing that with no Tom Brady at QB.
  13. I think for me a lot depends on the age. I can watch pretty much all the scary movies as an adult. For some reason the scariest movies I have watched came during my teenager years. I use to think Jeepers Creepers was really scary as a teen, now as an adult I can watch that movie every day. Still waiting on a modern movie that will shake me to the core. I had high hopes for "The Exorcist Believer" but im looking at the reviews and most seem to say it wasn't that scary.
  14. What movie stuck with you for a while that you were legit afraid to watch again?
  15. Hell no! The Patriots suck because he's in control of everything and he sucks at drafting and getting FA's. The game has passed him by, and Tom Brady should get way more credit for their success than BB. We don't need anymore old school coaches. The game has passed them by.
  16. Sutton is interesting, he was looking like a true #1 WR before that injury. I think he's a #2 moving forward. Wouldn't mind Sutton or Jeudy tbh.
  17. Only to select a pass rusher to replace him.lmao If we trade Burns we need more than a 1st. We would be selling low, but then again this is Tepper and selling low on Burns wouldn't shock me.
  18. So sad, but also so true. I remember when I didn't have a cell phone growing up and nobody cared for a phone. Now you can't live without one. I'm checking social media every day even though I won't to quit.
  19. Look at Cam and Luke they knew from jump this dude was a joke! #TheTepperWay
  20. Everything about this franchise has gone downhill since Tepper took over. Im surprised Panthers fans are still showing up to games. Why would you waste money on a poor product? The games are already a 50/50 crowd. He have no HFA anymore. I would love to see us go 0-17. Tepper needs to make major changes. Going winless is the only way major changes happen. Maybe that convinces Tepper he sucks at making decisions and he gives the next HC or GM full control of the team.
  21. Wasn't this dude supposed to be a coach on our staff this offseason? I remember seeing a rumor about him joining our staff in some way.
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