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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I just don't understand it. Then you got grown men calling you out for being a Madden fanboy when they are the one suggesting we trade our best player for picks. Im the Madden fanboy because I want to keep our best player? This place is sad and funny at the same time. I just laugh most of the time, kind of hard to take some of these people seriously.
  2. For those who don't now I will be 34 years old next month. If you want to know more about me hit my DM I will gladly add you on my social media accounts. Maybe I can get one of you to work for me. I own a box truck company and im looking for a driver preferably in the Raleigh area. If interested hit my DM and maybe I can change your life. No CDL's needed. Back to football...
  3. Talk football bro. I don't care for your personal life. How did we go from football talk to my age?
  4. When people start insulting others I just laugh. Clearly those are the miserable people in real life. I never go that route im comfortable in real life and don't take a message board seriously.
  5. Clifford sucks. Just start Miller already.
  6. What's the difference in paying Higgins 30mil a year then paying Burns 30mil a year? Adding talent you say. Talent cost money and not cheap money either.
  7. I will be 34 next month. Once again you guys start insulting posters when someone doesn't have the same opinion as you. Yall are the kids. Either talk football or STFU! That Mr.Comp11 guy is in his 60's and all he does is go around insulting posters that don't agree with him.
  8. He's not a run d stopper. He's a pass rusher. If you want a run d stopper should have signed Clowney.
  9. Why hasn't Luvu made the pro bowl? Why wasn't Luvu on the top 100 players list? This is the type of stuff that bothers me. People will question the players who actually put in the work for several years and give the credit to the dudes who just started playing well. Be careful what you ask for.
  10. Miller Time! Hope he goes for 20+ tonight.
  11. Luvu without Burns will receive double teams. Be careful what you ask for. Burns is on every teams gameplan. Luvu is not.
  12. Fanbase screaming for picks but ignoring the GM who makes those picks. poo is hilarious!
  13. This guy telling me we can't restructure contracts and make the money work to sign Burns and Tee Higgins. Guy thinks we about to give Burns the Joe Burrow deal. Cmon guy you think you're smart in reality you just a fan pretending to be a real life GM. If we can't afford Burns and Higgins with the lack of talent and big contracts on this roster then we really are a shitshow of a franchise. Im about to watch the Hornets game see you around Mr. TukafanGM
  14. Never mentioned anything about other talent. This topic is about Burns yet you made it about something we are not even discussing. Yeah I want a true #1 WR. Sorry if that's Madden GM then by all means label me as such. Back to the actual topic though...Burns
  15. We can do both. Smart franchises can make it work. Saints do it every year. Who the hell are we even paying that we can't afford Higgins and Burns?
  16. I would love to see this pass rush without Burns. We already know it will be non factor. People just not in touch with reality. Everyone wants to be a Madden GM and get picks for players. Not understanding the value of a pass rusher. If this was the Rams offer hell yeah sign me up for trading Burns. For a 1st round pick in which Fitt is in control of? Fug that!
  17. Agreed well said. Trading him for pennies on the dollar doesn't make sense. I rather we just pay him. At least we know he want be a bust.
  18. Guy you're suggesting the worst team in the NFL trade their best defensive player for a 1st round pick in which Scott Fitterer will make the selection. Don't you dare tell me I don't understand how the NFL operates. It's you who can't understand we have a bad owner and gm and that pick will be useless. Carry on im tired of debating with you. We can agree to disagree per usual. I'll be the bigger man and take the insults.
  19. A part of me wants us to trade Burns. Can't wait for those "No pass rush" topics! You don't know what you have until it's gone aka CMC/Moore/Burns??? #TheTepperWay
  20. What are you watching now? A team full of bad players and only a few of good players. 2 players can't make a team. But if you continue to add talent around those few players then you can build something. Trading our last few good players is what you have now a team full of bad players. Burns is the last one standing. Remember that. So much for loyalty. Burns never caused trouble here. Been a great leader even played injured. But no fug him he wants too much money.
  21. It's a shame the new accounts are talking sense. Post more often my guy we need more like you. Im tired of playing Madden trading all our stars for picks only for Fitt to screw it up.
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