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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. Like I said Dan Campbell wants to be the star of his team. Kick the FG win it in OT.
  2. Parsons offside Dude is going to get hella heat next week if Cowboys lose this game. Complete no show!
  3. Dan Campbell is overrated. Tie the game man. Stop trying to be the star on your team with these calls.
  4. Is Micah Parsons still elite? Another no show game from him. That podcast seems to be taking away from his play on the field.
  5. The SEC has to play those guys and the games are much more competitive at the end of the day. They at least belong in the same conference as those 2 powerhouses.
  6. Why do we want Ben Johnson again? If Tepper wants him that tells us all we need to know. Evero HC and hire a OC please!
  7. Who beat the big boys in the SEC? Georgia/Bama were always the cream of the crop in the SEC.
  8. Cut the excuses Brooklyn! This was ACC vs SEC last game of the season. This is what you will get.
  9. Underrated. Had a few of those during the summer. When made fresh those things are pretty tasty.
  10. This is the closest thing the Cowboys will get to a SB experience lmao
  11. I don't want him anymore. It has nothing to do with him. Just the fact Tepper wants him has turned me off. That guy has no idea what he is doing. Everything he touches turns bad. Please Ben go to the Chargers!
  12. As long as the QB's are all playing that's all that matters.
  13. Pretty dumb imo You have the #1 overall pick and another top 10 pick. Sounds like a good recruting tool to get a upgrade at HC. Bears gonna Bears.
  14. Cam may be right about Purdy being a game manager, but Dak just had the throw of the year. There was nothing game manager about that throw.
  15. They should never talk again. This is just pathetic. The voters were right. This weak ACC conference is a joke. Even the best team in the ACC is a joke! They shamed all ACC fans today with this showing. Like grown men playing against kids out there.
  16. Yeah they sent a message they are weak and are an embarrassment to the ACC! If you want to send a message play everyone stomp them out and maybe voters will respect you come next season. I been telling you guys all season the ACC is a joke!
  17. Ladies and Gentlemen this is why FSU did not deserve to make the college football playoffs. The ACC is a weak conference you can't put the best team in a weak conference against the best of the best. This is what you will get a spanking! Tbh the team who got screwed was Georgia. Georgia/Bama both should have been in the playoffs. Stop rewarding these teams in weak conferences. Now I'm expecting Bama to dominate both teams and it will show the country that the SEC is far superior than any other conference. Maybe next year they start rewarding more teams in the SEC.
  18. So what's the deal with Harbaugh... Is he staying at Michigan or will he leave after delivering a Nat'l championship? I feel like he could be the highest paid HC in NFL history of he truly wanted back in the NFL.
  19. This might be the weirdest post I have seen all year. You could have simply said he is a cornball. Instead you told us his life story and why you don't like him. Congratulations you win "cringe post of the year!"
  20. Said months ago they were my bandwagon team. Picked them to win the SB before the season. I make the most money in the Maryland area. Yes my Ravens!
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