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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. This hurt me. I expected better from you. You have changed your ways, you lost your passion. What happened to the old Linville!
  2. Our owner already thinks of us as peasants. He was quoted on video saying Panthers fans who tweet about his team are basement fans. Tepper gives no fugs what we think as fans. We are beneath him so our opinions don't matter.
  3. Those New Balance shoes tells me all I need to know about this guy. We Are Fugged!
  4. Take your depression to someone else. This is a positive thread. We will end the season with a win and Bryce will play his best game of the season. Deal with it!
  5. This man put his health on the line for this franchise. Hire him already!
  6. Tepper only hires yes men. Nothing against Ben personally, I just know how Tepper thinks. He sucks at this HC thing. Whoever he hires is a yes men with no voice.
  7. You're talking to a guy who won a work lawsuit a few years ago. It's not a waste of time if you have evidence to back your lawsuit. This was caught on camera. That's assault. Easy win.
  8. Been saying this for months. Nice for you to finally see the light.
  9. Not surprising. Tepper wants control. If he's not the voice then he won't hire you. Same reason he didn't hire Wilks. Players had his respect Tepper didn't like that. We will most likely hire his yes man Ben Johnson.
  10. So no lawsuit? That's an easy payday for them.
  11. The QB we let go Baker Mayfield actually has a chance to win the division and make the playoffs with a win. We traded the farm for Bryce Young. There is no way we let Baker come back to BOA and lead his team to the playoffs. I'm expecting Bryce to have his best game of the season. We will end this season on a positive note. Let's send Baker Shitfield home packing with us!
  12. Selling your soul for some money. You disgust me!
  13. We never showed interest my guy. If it was collusion like we both believe that means none of the owners wanted to give him that Watson contract. Which is why no offers were made for Lamar Jackson.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=403080825201181 If you a Panthers fan on social media voicing your opinion apparently you live in a basement in Tepper's mind. This dude is a clown.
  15. My man Tepper is a bad owner. I was scrolling through social media yesterday and came across a video of him calling out fans tweeting from their basement. This dude is just a clown to the highest of level. If I can find the video I will post it later. His wife literally had to push him away from the camera. He looked drunk to me. I have no idea why you trying to defend this man. He is just flat out bad!
  16. Lol WTF! This was hilarious thanks for my laugh for today. People are really something else.
  17. I think you meant Rolls Royce. I literally seen one at a gas station yesterday. They had it painted like a 2 tone rolls Royce lol. People are hilarious!
  18. Now this man is living in reality! We are the worst team in the NFL with the worst owner. No elite FAs are coming here unless Tepper massively overpays them. We will most likely sign FA's in the 2nd wave after all the elite guys are off the board.
  19. Russell Wilson is gone my man. That relationship is done Payton wants nothing to do with him. Wilson will likely be in Atlanta which is his wife hometown.
  20. So you're blaming his Oline because he's a great QB? Make it make sense!
  21. Good luck even getting him to make a visit. KC will offer more than that in a heartbeat. You think Higgins coming to play with small QB Bryce over Mahomes? These FA's discussions were fun during the offseason, but lets be realistic none of the top guys are coming to this situation. The Nat'l media has already crowned Tepper as the new worst owner in the NFL. We are a joke don't expect great players to come here anytime soon.
  22. I'm telling you those Camry's are bulletproof! Best car ever made imo.
  23. That's Nicole's bestie. They have drinks and shop together all the time.
  24. They should at least bring him in for a interview. Maybe Tepper likes his plan and decides to hire him. You never know...
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