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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. I couldn't name you 1 Taylor Swift song... Fight me!
  2. These people are wild in the stream chat. I been entertained with the comments more than the game lol
  3. I ain't mad at cha! Kind of smart honestly. They try to scam you, but you scammed them lol
  4. This is so stupid. Air the game on both channels.
  5. Where you saying this before the season? Easy to say this now. Before the season most thought the Texans would be one of the worst teams in the league. Hell even I thought the Texans would suck before the season.
  6. There is a rumor that different networks don't want to give Stroud the post game interviews because of his faith. I think SVP from ESPN got angry because he kept bringing up his faith in the interview. Sad they can't let this kid embrace his beliefs off the field. The Golden Calf of Bristol did it, Stroud should be able to do it as well.
  7. Look at Stroud so inspirational. Man of faith, good character, and elite arm talent. So sad Tepper couldn't see this.
  8. Y'all falling for fancy OC's again. We need a culture changer at HC not some fancy playcaller who doesn't have a QB to make those plays work. Stick to the plan Harbaugh or bust!
  9. If you live in Buffalo you are a sicko! My bones aching just watching that video.
  10. Texans are probably the only AFC team who can upset the Ravens.
  11. Do you believe in God? If so welcome aboard!
  12. Those plays ain't working with noodle arm Bryce
  13. If you believed the Flacco hype shame on you. Main reason I picked the Texans was because of the QB. Flacco is 40 and seen his best days. Media hyped him because it was a cute story.
  14. Houston had the #2 pick in the draft. Unless you're telling me their roster changed overnight then you may have a point. Stroud>Bryce stop trying to find excuses to why one is better than the other. We call that coping. Anyone who watches the games can see the clear difference in arm talent between the two QBs.
  15. These people swear Bryce Young was not the problem just the guys around him. If you can't see this kid lacks arm strength and can't read the field then you just don't care to see it. We will have a new QB after next season. Bryce Up Son!
  16. I can tell you live a sad life. Get some sleep buddy things will get better. #CopeHardLife
  17. Weird comment. Yes Ravens are my bandwagon team this year. This has been known since the beginning of the season when I picked them to win the SB. Stay on topic k.
  18. May shouldn't even be a debate. He is. If he doesn't get injured he wins MVP as a rookie! Sorry guys but we will regret this for a long time. This kid might be the face of the NFL.
  19. Can you imagine if this kid leads the Texans to the SB as a rookie? Tepper probably on his yacht in the middle of the ocean watching this game thinking damn I screwed up.
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