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Everything posted by CamWhoaaCam

  1. We are not taking a QB period. This team has so many holes. Bringing in another young QB in a terrible situation isn't going to help. We just need to trade back like the Bears did. Add possibly a few players or extra picks with that #1 pick. Get 2 starters pick up a QB in FA or via trade.
  2. It makes sense to me. We were never going to get fair value for the best RB in the league. I didn't mind the injuries because he was still the best RB in the league when he played. But once you trade him and he all of a sudden a iron man for the 49ers that's when CMC rubbed me the wrong way. He went from being injury prone to a iron man MVP candidate. Yeah I was pissed! Still doesn't change the fact you lied and said I wanted to trade him. I never said trade CMC. In fact all of our stars I said we should keep. If you know me you know I like STARS!
  3. Brother I did talk trash about him because he quit on us. That was not the point. My point is people wanted to trade CMC because of his injuries. I was never on the trade CMC bandwagon that's a FACT! Next time speak facts to my post.
  4. Tepper is the worst thing that ever happened to this franchise. Our only hope is he sells the team. Maybe he will get the message that his franchise is a joke. Being laughed at and made fun of is not cool as a fan.
  5. Something about the Carolina Panthers can't seem to do anything right for the past few years. Basically said we are the laughing stock of the NFL and the other analyst laughed in agreement.
  6. No I didn't look at his pro day. I was looking at his film at Alabama. He always seemed to make a play when his team needed it. I thought he had the "It Factor" despite his size. He was also pretty accurate on that film. If I had to guess I would say he just didn't adjust to the speed of the NFL. It's a different level than college. He seems a step slow physically and mentally. The size doesn't help either.
  7. He fooled me. Sometimes the tape can lie. The taped lied for Bryce. He was surrounded by elite talent. It's like Purdy being in the MVP conversation well look at his roster! You live and learn. I was wrong on Bryce.
  8. I'm done betting for the year. I just won 3k off the Olympics. That's my winter vacation money.
  9. Never understood the Darnold hate. I told you guys we should have stuck with the Darnold/Wilks QB/HC combo. That's literally the only time we had a positive thing going with the team. Tepper said no thank you to both. We would still have Moore btw and possibly another weapon on offense with that draft pick. Fug you Tepper!
  10. He deserves it. Kelce also clowned us on MNF pregame last night. Hopefully they force him to sell the team. He's killing this franchise with his decisions.
  11. Philly is a dump. One of the worst big cities I ever visited. Potholes on damn near every street. Great cheese steaks tho. I highly suggest you try Angelo's. Other than that I didn't really enjoy my time in Philly.
  12. Enjoy the last season of Rodgers. I think he's done with football after this season.
  13. Probably so. I will definitely be rooting against KC tho.
  14. I'm gonna go with Texans vs Lions SB. I got the Lions winning the SB. This is big for me because I was not a Lions fan last year. Just feels like this is their year.
  15. The Nat'l media is obsessed with him. The guy hasn't been to a SB in over a decade. He's 40 the man has seen his best days.
  16. Hopefully the Jets hype calms down after this game. Rodgers is a aging QB coming off a major injury. SB contender in the AFC is just not realistic.
  17. The entire roster is stacked tbh. They are aging tho. Which is why I never brought the Purdy hype. Any above average QB would have a SB with this roster. This kid is going to get exposed the moment those big name guys leave.
  18. Coach making adjustments you love to see it!
  19. The NFL has been rigged for years. Just look at our SB vs Manning. The obvious rigging is the Chiefs games. I ain't even mad this crap is entertainment at the end of the day.
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